Mon 24 Nov, 2003 07:57 am
I had an hour layover in Detroit last Thursday before a flight to Denver. To their credit, the NWA gate personnel announced several times that there was no food service on the flight, and we might want to grab a bite before boarding (there were three or four fast food joints within a short walk of the Gate). Then, about twenty minutes into the flight the flight crew announced they had chicken sandwiches for sale for ten bucks each, and quite a few of the passengers bought them!
I just don't get it. I wouldn't pay ten bucks for an airline sandwhich if I was starving to death. Any insight out there?
Over the years the airlines went from serving meals, to snacks, to serving nothing. It was their way of cost cutting. (Did you think that you were getting those cheap fares on the travel sites for nothing?) Now the next step, is not to serve anything as part of the fare package, but to charge an extra fee if you want something to eat.
It's pretty simple. Make sure that you board a plane with a full belly, bring a brown bag with you, or be prepared to pay an exorbitant price for a lousy meal!
JIM! You were in Denver and didn't let anyone know? For shame.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Well, the airline I use for my short flights from to London (about one hour), is one of those cheap lines (35$ last time, teturn ticket).
You get hot and/or cold drinks and two choices of sandwiches FOR FREE! (Actually, you wouldn't have time to drink and eat more. :wink: )
However, most other cheap airlines do the same. (And with 'regular' lines, you don't get more than with the one I use, anyway, but pay more than three times more.)
psssssst, roger. Jim did let people know he'd be going through Denver. I read about it on the hug thread.
I kinda miss the good old days of People's Express. You paid for your flight and your snack once you were on the plane. If you wanted a meal, you knew to bring it along.
Can't read everything, can I? Well, I was just up there a couple of weeks ago, anyway.
Hi Roger - we just drove through New Mexico. My Missus picked me up at the Denver Airport on Thursday afternoon and we headed south. We picked our daughter up in the Springs, and spent the night in Trinadad. Friday we made it to Roswell and picked up our youngest son. We had planned to make Tucson on Saturday - but we got off of the Interstate at Deming for lunch and to gas up, and found the Interstate was closed due to high winds and blowing dust when we tried to get back on again, and had to spend the night there. We finally made it to Tucson yesterday.