I absolutely support the troops I believe they have a job to do and are told to do it and do the best they can for it. ITs a high risk job that not everyone can or will do. This gets my respect.
What I dont like is when they are put on a holier than thou pedastol.
I REALLY don't like it when someone says that the soldiers are in Iraq fighting for my freedoms.
My response is this if thats what they are fighting for over there then KEEP my freedoms, just bring them home I am tired of worrying about more of my brothers dieing. (Americans are my brothers by the way)
My Best friend Growing up the only person close to me that was in Iraq ( I know many others but this guy is like a brother to me) Has come home and I was so elated that i seriously had a tear fall, And I am getting a bit watery eyed now thinking about it.
Where was I going with this ummm.
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