92b16vx;17343 wrote:If you think the United States has no interest tied up in oil in the middle east, and that us going to war in the middle east has nothing to do with oil you are a complete tool. In March we imported 523,000 barrels a day from Iraq, and 1,231,000 from Saudi. Naw, we have no iterrest in oil over there, none at all.
Quote:If you think the United States has no interest tied up in oil in the middle east, and that us going to war in the middle east has nothing to do with oil you are a complete tool.
I never said we had no interest, i said we had great interest? While it was part of our decision, it was not the whole decision. There were over fifteen UN resolutions left from his promise after Kuwait. You give him a pass on all of them? If one of any of the resolutions demanded a responce you still would of not reacted?
Quote:In March we imported 523,000 barrels a day from Iraq, and 1,231,000 from Saudi.
Did we buy it or did we steal it? If we stool it you have a point if we didn't what's the beef, every body else had the same chance to buy in the world free market!!!
Quote: Naw, we have no iterrest in oil over there, none at all
Don't recall saying that, can you quote me please?