Quote:Roman rule had everything to do with it.
No, we are talking about the Crusades.
Quote:In 1148, the Second Crusade arrived in Syria, led by Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany. They decided to attack Damascus, despite the former alliance the city had made with the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Mu'in ad-Din reluctantly called for help from Nur ad-Din; the crusader siege lasted only four days before Nur ad-Din arrived.
Nur ad-Din took advantage of the failure of the crusade to prepare another attack against Antioch. In 1149, he launched an offensive against the territories dominated by the castle of Harim, situated on the eastern bank of the Orontes, after which he besieged the castle of Inab. The Prince of Antioch, Raymond of Poitiers, quickly came to the aid of the besieged citadel. The Muslim army destroyed the crusader army at the Battle of Inab, during which Raymond was killed. Raymond's head was sent to Nur ad-Din, who sent it along to the caliph in Baghdad.
What point is this supposed to prove?
Yes, That doesnt make the Christians the victims, Muslim villages were destroyed and Salahideens sister was captured prior. The agreement was made by both the Christians and the Muslims to pay a ransom, and it was handed over to the Muslims.
What it means is that Saladin isn't so merciful and civilized as you make him out to be.
Quote:Not maybe, your wrong.
The word dhimmi (plural dimam) literally means "protection, care, custody, covenant of protection, compact; responsibility, answerableness; financial obligation, liability, debt; inviolability, security of life and property; safeguard, guarantee, security; conscience"
ahl-dhimmi is "the free non-Muslim subjects living in Muslim countries who, in return for paying the capital tax, enjoyed protection and safety.
It also means 'guilty.' This is because they have not only rejected Muhammed, but have distorted the legitmate messages they recieved from Allah. They are free to practice their religion, but are constantly reminded they are second-class citizens. The first caliph to excersize this practie had the Christians and make a pact with him:
Quote:...we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, nor sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration nor use any of them for purposeses of enmity against Muslims.
This allowed Muslims to seize the place of worship if they were 'used for enmity against Muslims. Before you say this is fair, it was also true that the testimony of the Christians was usually disallowed, discounted, or treated as lower that Muslim testimony, a Muslim could claim that it was being used for these purposes and take the church/monastery no matter what the people in it were doing. Christians also could not prevent any of their fellows from converting, had to let Muslims take refuge in places of worship for three days and treat them like kings, move from places Muslims wished to sit, could not
look like Arab Muslims, could not have names similar to those of Muslims, could not own or carry weapons,, encrypt stamps in Arabic, or sell liquor. They had to have the front of their hair cut, wear their customary clothes wherever they were, wear belts around their waist (all to identify them of course, much like in Nazi Germany). They had to refrain from ere3cting crosses outside of churches and ringing bells except discreetly, they could not preach outside of churches, they could not raise their voices while reciting the Bible in the presence of Muslims. They must pay the non-Muslim tax, the jizya, they must stay to the side of the street, may not build higher or as high as Muslim's buildings (though can acquire a tall house that is already in existance), cannot openly display wine or pork, recite the Torah or Bible out loud, or make public displays of funerals or feast days. Upon pain of death, they could not proselytyze amonq Muslims (though they counld not stop Muslims from doing the same among them.) If they broke any of these rules, the Muslims could do as they wished with them, kill or enslave. They are protected in return. Protected from both outsiders and the rulers who would have them killed or enslaved. Though these may have been relaxed here and there, they have always been on the books and ready to enforce.
This is all, of course, in accordance with Koran 9:29, To "make them feel subdued."
Quote:Yes, the Crusaders army were slaughtered, whats your point. "When you meet the unbelievers on the battlefield" - by this it means the enemy soldiers, simple.
No, Saladin killed each captured enemy by cutting their heads off, not while fighting.