@Red cv,
The EVIL insurance company probably rigged it to make the woman suffer for a longer period of time.
It is amazing the low levels these insurance companies stoop to in order to make accident vicitms suffer and give up. Most insurance companies are owned by one maga-giant based in Germany.
They specialize in taking insurance claims where people have really been hurt, and hiring private investigators to follow them around and hassle them and their friends for years.
The victims have to wait up to ten years to get into court in front of a jury. In the meantime their entire life is examined, no stone left unturned. Yes, they are a vicitm of an accident, yes they do have insurance, yet they have to suffer far beyond the event and go through utter hell to get to trial.
Then Juries are selected, and it begins, their life is turned inside out, the insurance company aims to pull everything apart in order to escape fulfilling their promise to pay the client.
The victims become further victimize, in order to have the insurance companies bottom line {profit} to increase.
The longer this goes on the less likelier the client is to stick with the claim, as they are humiliated and embarrassed, questioned and probed, they have no rest for pain or tireness. Then if they have not caved in they might get compensation for the rest of their lifes.
The Juror was problably set up by the insurance company, it makes it easier to force the victim to settle for less money.
We are all under the impression that such tactics are for the public in order to prevent fraud and to keep the insurance rates low. This is not even close to the true picture.
The billions and billions of dollars each year of profit are reported to shareholders, and if it doesn't continue to increase in profits someone loses their job. This is about profits, insurance will always go up regardless, and people will go on beleiving that the insurance companies are protecting their interests.
I hope the insurance company is investigated. And l hope this accident vicitm is properly compensated and not made to suffer further.