Are you sure that it is not because people are fed up with the stupid Microsoft game?
How about considering people like me that are happy enough with XP and have no plans on spending big $ for Vista Eyecandy.
Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales
Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales
Ballmer admitted to financial analysts that the predictions for Vista had proved 'overly optimistic' and he blamed the pirates in China, India, Brazil, Russia and other emerging markets.
Ballmer believes that one way Microsoft can bump up Windows sales is to tighten the screws on pirates. "Piracy reduction can be a source of Windows revenue growth, and I think we'll make some piracy improvements this year."
Of course he is ignoring the fact that a lot of people are not buying Vista because it does not offer much more than XP and Windows Genuine Advantage makes their lives a misery. Cranking up WGA might backfire.