Mon 29 May, 2006 11:23 am
it occurs to me sometimes that britain and her empire building past seem to be to blame for rather a lot of the world's conflicts and problems, eg slavery, irish conflict, israel, etc.. etc...if you look at the countries with a more peaceful history, eg norway, they have managed to evade britains grasp - they came and conquered us not the other way around! ...any thoughts?
It is the quest of any country to do for it citizens what it believes is right. To the victor goes the spoils.
I'm not sure I follow this topic completely.
Granted I'm slightly toasted.
Arguments could be made to support that hypothesis , but realizing the vastness of England's empire in its prime , we would expect an influence in many aspects .
We should also realize that empire's positive contributions to the world as well .
Can we blame England so much when many of the territories it ruled were also ruled by other invaders and exploiters before England ?
And - is America an example you would list there also ?
England is one of the biggest reasons we are as great as we are.