Wouldn't Hell be the Heaven for "Wrong Do'ers"?

Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 03:59 pm
z0z0;8559 wrote:
Why did God make cigarettes cancerous?

Why did God not give your brother a fair chance in life? It was your grandfather that screwed up.

If I was God then cerebral palsy would not exist.

My comments are not about God alone but in people's perceptions and "love" for God. I have not even stated that I believe that God exists. The closest that I came to stating that God exists is that the Universe could be defined as God but that God is not the humanistic deity that people worship. I was trying to draw light on the contradictions and the weaknesses of "God".

Why did God make cigarettes cancerous?

Why did you smoke the thing that gives cancer.
Why did God not give your brother a fair chance in life?

He's alive, that's the chance he is greatful for. What he does with the rest it up to him not God.
It was your grandfather that screwed up.

So now you think it war grandpa's fault? God didn't make him do it right?
If I was God then cerebral palsy would not exist.

Well there is so what would you do with my brother? Not waist your time? Your benevolent slip is showing again.
My comments are not about God alone but in people's perceptions and "love" for God. I have not even stated that I believe that God exists.

That does not explain why you have such an annomosity to and entity you are not sure of exists.
The closest that I came to stating that God exists is that the Universe could be defined as God but that God is not the humanistic deity that people worship.

We believe we were made in his form not the other way around.
I was trying to draw light on the contradictions and the weaknesses of "God"

How mighty of you. Funny you probing for weaknesses for some thing you say may or maynot be there? Waisting time of what a measly life you have anyway?
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 05:37 pm
I believe that my comments pertain more to the "belief" in the non-existent omniscient omnipotent humanistic deity that people use to create meaning in otherwise meaningless live. I don't hate "God". I am not certain that God does exist. My criticism are "if God exists then why does he **** around with us so much?"

As for "form". Do you think that there is no other life in the universe? There are billions of stars in billions of galaxies. I think that the statistical probability of life elsewhere is high and the probability of that life being in our form is low.

If God created living beings in other parts of the universe and they did not look like us then who holds the true form of "God"?
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 08:07 pm
z0z0;8569 wrote:
I believe that my comments pertain more to the "belief" in the non-existent omniscient omnipotent humanistic deity that people use to create meaning in otherwise meaningless live. I don't hate "God". I am not certain that God does exist. My criticism are "if God exists then why does he **** around with us so much?"

As for "form". Do you think that there is no other life in the universe? There are billions of stars in billions of galaxies. I think that the statistical probability of life elsewhere is high and the probability of that life being in our form is low.

If God created living beings in other parts of the universe and they did not look like us then who holds the true form of "God"?
I believe that my comments pertain more to the "belief" in the non-existent omniscient omnipotent humanistic deity that people use to create meaning in otherwise meaningless live.

In other words God?
I don't hate "God".

How could you if he doesn't exist? That would mean your irrational.
I am not certain that God does exist. My criticism are "if God exists then why does he **** around with us so much?"

Why do you criticize what you think not is real?
As for "form". Do you think that there is no other life in the universe?

That would be naive.
There are billions of stars in billions of galaxies. I think that the statistical probability of life elsewhere is high and the probability of that life being in our form is low.

That would all be based on what they are based on. If it were carbon and some what of our atmosphere things might not be that far off.
Such as it is, there is life out there no matter the base.
If God created living beings in other parts of the universe and they did not look like us then who holds the true form of "God"?

Lets find the other form of life before we start asking them those kind of questions. Your getting a little ahead of yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 08:17 pm
WTF? You really do not understand what I am saying do you?
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 08:35 pm
z0z0;8579 wrote:
WTF? You really do not understand what I am saying do you?
I understand entirely, you can not understand some one can have a different opinion then you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 08:39 pm
I fully understand and accept that others have different ideas and opinions.

I am here for some intellectual stimulation. I look forward to a challenging debate where I can test my ideas. If my ideas fail in the debate then my ideas will evolve. I might even integrate your ideas into my own. That is how we grow and develop.

What I said was that I did not understand what you were trying to say because it seemed like you did not understand what I was saying. Maybe it is a grammar issue as well. While my grammar is bad - yours is a bit more difficult to understand.

Please note - I do thank you for the conversation.
I value anyone that takes time out to discuss things.
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 08:49 pm
z0z0;8586 wrote:
I fully understand and accept that others have different ideas and opinions.

I am here for some intellectual stimulation. I look forward to a challenging debate where I can test my ideas. If my ideas fail in the debate then my ideas will evolve. I might even integrate your ideas into my own. That is how we grow and develop.

What I said was that I did not understand what you were trying to say because it seemed like you did not understand what I was saying. Maybe it is a grammar issue as well. While my grammar is bad - yours is a bit more difficult to understand.

Please note - I do thank you for the conversation.
I value anyone that takes time out to discuss things.
Your welcome. If we can stay on the same page we will progress. I think it more a spirited conversation then a debate. Stimulation is also why i hang here.
What I said was that I did not understand what you were trying to say because it seemed like you did not understand what I was saying. Maybe it is a grammar issue as well. While my grammar is bad - yours is a bit more difficult to understand.

I think i understand you well. I've heard you angle often. i have a built in responce if that's what you wanna call it. I talk like no there then myself. If you need clarification i will try and do so.
Please note - I do thank you for the conversation.
I value anyone that takes time out to discuss things.

No problem, that what i'm here for.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Dec, 2006 11:36 pm
@rex b,
rex_b;3970 wrote:
This concept that people will burn in hell forever doesn't quite sit right to me.

Ok so we have God and he has heaven, and everything there is nice and pretty and that is where all the good people go and that is what they would like. Keep in mind God doesn't like the Devil and the Devil doesn't like God.

Now we have the Devil and Hell and everything there isn't nice and pretty and that is where all the bad people go to die a long burning death. But here is the problem why would the Devil who doesn't like God help God in burning those people forever? It would seem to me the Devil would want the bad people to help his "army" and to get back at God.

So my thought is Hell is the place where chaos and everything goes happens. Does this make it a "bad" place, probably but I know a bunch of people who would love it there.

Anyways. There it is.

Well for starters you are incorrect; God loves Lucifer, He is not even capable of disliking any entity, only their actions. Secondly, there is no "helping God" in this situation. He doesnt enjoy seeing people go to Hell. Its His only choice, and one that Lucifer is glad to see to the end becuase the devil helped get them their in the first place and he alone loves to see you suffer.

You seem to know a lot of people who would like it in Hell? Lol. You seem to know a lot about the intricities of Hell for a human. There will neve be an army that will stand up to Gods. Its not like the devil will have a better chance against Him if he has 34 million soldiers as opposed to 33.5 million.

Once youve been judged negatively by God there is no more happiness. You would know how bad youve screwed up and you would never have been so sure of anything in your life becuase His judgement will be infallible and you will begin to understand. You would not have the words or the logical capacity available to formulate an argument against Him. It would not be a happy time.
Reply Tue 26 Dec, 2006 10:01 am
@rex b,
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Dec, 2006 10:31 am
Gaius;8618 wrote:

Once youve been judged negatively by God there is no more happiness. You would know how bad youve screwed up and you would never have been so sure of anything in your life becuase His judgement will be infallible and you will begin to understand. You would not have the words or the logical capacity available to formulate an argument against Him. It would not be a happy time.

How will I know that God has judge me negatively?

Sounds like your God is more of the Old Testament persuasion.
I thought that the "New God" was more of the "New Testament".

Why would you want to worship a God that you FEAR?
Sounds like an Klingon God to me.
Reply Tue 26 Dec, 2006 11:32 am
z0z0;8630 wrote:
How will I know that God has judge me negatively?

Sounds like your God is more of the Old Testament persuasion.
I thought that the "New God" was more of the "New Testament".

Why would you want to worship a God that you FEAR?
Sounds like an Klingon God to me.

If you were to be judged negatively not only would you know but you will never have been so certain of anything in your life.

If God was such that He was not to be feared then He would not be God at all but some powerless psychological concoction. We fear God becuase we are sinners and His morality is tough as nails and our destiny is in His hands.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Dec, 2006 11:53 am
I guess that I already know that God hates me.

I am one of the good people that gives more than he receives.
Yet God for some reason hates me.

I wonder why.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Dec, 2006 08:41 pm
@rex b,
Why would you want to worship a God that you FEAR?

IMO Same reason you respect your dad for kickin your butt when you needed it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Dec, 2006 10:15 pm
There is a HUGE difference between the concepts of FEAR and RESPECT.

I did not respect my father for kicking my butt because it showed he did not know what else to do. Only a simple person resorts to violence. My father was a big disciplinarian - today it would be considered abusive. Today I no longer fear my father but I also do not really respect him either.

FEAR: Fear can be described by different terms in accordance with its relative degrees. Fear covers a number of terms - worry, anxiety, terror, fright, paranoia, horror, panic (social and personal), persecution complex and dread.

RESPECT: Respect is the esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability: I have great respect for her judgement.

One is very negative and the other is very positive. Some people do not understand the positive so they must use negative to control.

Like I said - I will never worship a deity that I have to fear. If the deity uses fear to motivate then he is not a very good deity.
Reply Tue 26 Dec, 2006 10:32 pm
z0z0;8661 wrote:
There is a HUGE difference between the concepts of FEAR and RESPECT.

I did not respect my father for kicking my butt because it showed he did not know what else to do. Only a simple person resorts to violence. My father was a big disciplinarian - today it would be considered abusive. Today I no longer fear my father but I also do not really respect him either.

FEAR: Fear can be described by different terms in accordance with its relative degrees. Fear covers a number of terms - worry, anxiety, terror, fright, paranoia, horror, panic (social and personal), persecution complex and dread.

RESPECT: Respect is the esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability: I have great respect for her judgement.

One is very negative and the other is very positive. Some people do not understand the positive so they must use negative to control.

Like I said - I will never worship a deity that I have to fear. If the deity uses fear to motivate then he is not a very good deity.
There is a HUGE difference between the concepts of FEAR and RESPECT.

IMO Fear us not a concept. Respect maybe.
I did not respect my father for kicking my butt because it showed he did not know what else to do. Only a simple person resorts to violence. My father was a big disciplinarian - today it would be considered abusive. Today I no longer fear my father but I also do not really respect him either.

I know you feared your father as i did mine. "Only a simple person resorts to violence." Nope a scared one does as well. My dad was big on discipline too. Although you may not physically fear him anymore there will always be a certain amount of power he will always hold over you in exchange for the fear you used to hold. I call that respect.

One is very negative and the other is very positive. Some people do not understand the positive so they must use negative to control.

That negative sometimes turns into a positive.
Like I said - I will never worship a deity that I have to fear. If the deity uses fear to motivate then he is not a very good deity.

What ever floats your boat. I think it not the deity that force you to fear him. It's the people using his words to make you fear him.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2006 09:42 am
Respect NEVER comes from fear.

Maybe you don't know what respect is.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2006 09:50 am
@rex b,
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2006 11:01 am
You show a logic error.
Just because one definition says that respect is connected to concern it does not allow you to say that they are equal and that therefore repect - fear.

Also use the full definition if you want to cite something.
Below are definitions from dictionary.com
Nothing connects respect to fear.

Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2006 09:24 pm
z0z0;8671 wrote:
You show a logic error.
Just because one definition says that respect is connected to concern it does not allow you to say that they are equal and that therefore repect - fear.

Also use the full definition if you want to cite something.
Below are definitions from dictionary.com
Nothing connects respect to fear.

You show a logic error.
Just because one definition says that respect is connected to concern it does not allow you to say that they are equal and that therefore repect - fear.

Nice way to avoid a question. I'll ask again.
"I would assume your a law abiding citizen. Being so you would be expected to respect the laws. If you do not do you have anything to fear?"
Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2006 10:19 pm
Drnaline;8676 wrote:
Nice way to avoid a question. I'll ask again.
"I would assume your a law abiding citizen. Being so you would be expected to respect the laws. If you do not do you have anything to fear?"

There is a difference between fear and respect.

I do not FEAR the law.
I respect the laws because those are the rules of society.

If I break the laws then I will fear the police and the penalties.
Being in fear of the police is quite different than having respect for the law.

Just out of curiosity - how old are you and what is your educational level.
We should not be debating basics such as semantics.

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