For like the last fifeteen years my wife and I have been going up to
Platoro Colorado Normally i like going up for at least ten days but this time i only get six. Below the lake which is at 10,300 ASL is quality waters, no live bait, but in the lake and above is a free for all. What's nice is there is a 18 mile dirt road to get up there. Which keeps most of campers from going, the most boats i've seen on the lake at one time is about six or seven. The lake when totally full is about five miles long with Kokanee and Brown trout. The biggest i personally have seen being pulled out of there is 48 inchs. A brown, when they gutted him he had three fish in him ranging from 12 to 16 inchs, nice. I'll be out for a while so you libs can run rampant, LOL. I'll be back wednesday to bring the little women back to prepare to an armory board meeting but am thinking about driving back up for the following weekend as she will be gone till that following monday? You'll all be good.