Reagaknight;14974 wrote:The Orthodox church was suppressed in Russia.
Um yea, but not in the name of disbelief in a god. The Orthodox church was hand in hand with a very corrupt government and was over thrown in a revolution by the people that left them destitute, people that were sick of abuse. It had absolutely NOTHING to do with religion, other than some were of the Orthodox church, and some of the revoluionaries were atheist.
Quote:Nazis who were Catholic were about as Catholic as Hitler because the Vatican was oppsed to Nazism and huge amounts of Catholics were killed by the Nazis.
I am going to go off here, so if you think you might cry, stop reading. You are either ignorant, or leaving out information to further your view.
First off most of Europe is catholic, as in a VAST majority. Second joining the Nazi army, third reich, SS wasn't exactly a choice, it was do, or die. If a superior told you to shoot a jew, you shot them, or you were shot...period. Third, the majority of Nazi soldiers did not work in concentration camps, which, while not the only place, most of the wholesale slaughter was done. They were soldiers on the front line. It really doesn't matter that their leader was a so called atheist (he wasn't) or that the catholic church opposed Hitler, they were still catholics.
In neither of these events did anyone go to war, simply because they were atheist. Atheism is the absence of belief in a god.
Atheism does not lead to Communism anymore than disbelieving in Santa Claus leads anybody to steal toys from kids.