I am a liberal, why would I beware of this?
Okay, let's take it line-item:
"We have Exploited the Poor and called it the Lottery."
- since when is the lottery a liberal entity? chunk it for all I care, but you'll get people complaining about the market and supply and demand to justify it.
"We have Rewarded Laziness and called it Welfare."
- before the creation of "Welfare entitlements" there was this neat little thing in America called starvation. It happened to good, conservative white folks during the Great Depression. Single women (the majority of them white) make up the overwhelming majority of people who even qualify for welfare these days (and it was Clinton who reformed it more than his predecessors). I tell you what, promote birth control and "choice" and you can cut out welfare, which will apparently end laziness as we know it.
"We have Killed our Unborn and called it Choice."
- God once commanded the Israelites to slay the newborn babies of the arabs. I think he's not as "pro-life" as you might think.
"We have Shot Abortionists and called it Justifiable."
- a moment of lucidity, and I don't think he's talking to liberals on this one.
"We have Neglected to Discipline our Children and called it Building Self Esteem."
- I'm with him on this one.
"We have Abused Power and called it Politics."
- he's on a roll!
"We have Coveted our Neighbor's Possessions and called it Ambition."
- some might call this "un-american" in a free-market sense but I'm with him
"We have Polluted the Air with Profanity and Pornography and called it Freedom of Speech and Expression."
- the air? the air-waves? does that include cable and satellite?
"We have Ridiculed the Time Honored Values of our Forefathers and called it Enlightenment."
- our forefathers were sons of "The Enlightenment," and he needs to be specific about what values he's addressing, because these brilliant, complicated men were overwhelmingly deist, Unitarian (non-Christians), and even agnostic and atheist in some cases. They wanted reason above belief in "supernatural deities" to guide this country.
Search us, Oh God, and know our Hearts today; Cleanse Us from Every Sin and Set us Free. Amen!"
- being the atheist I am I wish he'd have ended with a personal appeal that each lawmaker examine his own heart and mind and do what was right.
Why would a liberal beware of any of this, again?