High Court to Weigh Climate Change Case

Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 06:54 pm
Now it begins - the Supreme Court is going to hear a case attempting to force the EPA to regulate the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by vehicles . The case is from 2005 , but might not have been chosen for review last June had the polls not suggested a big Democrat victory in November . This article from the Associated Press will enlighten us .
"A sharply divided federal appeals court ruled in favor of the government in 2005. But last June, the Supreme Court decided to take up the case, plunging for the first time into the politically charged debate over global warming. The ruling next year is expected to be one of the court's most important ever involving the environment.

"Global warming is the most pressing environmental issue of our time and the decision by the court on this case will make a deep and lasting impact for generations to come," says Massachusetts' attorney general, Thomas Reilly.

David Bookbinder, a lawyer for the Sierra Club, says a legal clarification of the EPA's authority could determine whether the current administration must regulate carbon dioxide emissions and whether a future one will be able to demand such limits."

You can see the set up here - when Liberals get a strong foothold in 2008 (if they do ) , they can put their own people in the EPA and strengthen their stance on Global Warming .
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,862 • Replies: 33
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Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 07:01 pm
May logical minds prevail.
Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 08:13 pm
Drnaline;7384 wrote:
May logical minds prevail.

We are talking about the supreme court here...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 08:16 pm
It was SCOTUS that decided it was legal to take someones property away for commercial use. Eminant Domain, what the fucks up with that?
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tumbleweed cv
Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 11:39 pm
Curmudgeon;7382 wrote:
Now it begins - the Supreme Court is going to hear a case attempting to force the EPA to regulate the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by vehicles . The case is from 2005 , but might not have been chosen for review last June had the polls not suggested a big Democrat victory in November . This article from the Associated Press will enlighten us .
"A sharply divided federal appeals court ruled in favor of the government in 2005. But last June, the Supreme Court decided to take up the case, plunging for the first time into the politically charged debate over global warming. The ruling next year is expected to be one of the court's most important ever involving the environment.

"Global warming is the most pressing environmental issue of our time and the decision by the court on this case will make a deep and lasting impact for generations to come," says Massachusetts' attorney general, Thomas Reilly.

David Bookbinder, a lawyer for the Sierra Club, says a legal clarification of the EPA's authority could determine whether the current administration must regulate carbon dioxide emissions and whether a future one will be able to demand such limits."

You can see the set up here - when Liberals get a strong foothold in 2008 (if they do ) , they can put their own people in the EPA and strengthen their stance on Global Warming .

Yea. To hell with all the health hazzards and respritory illnesses, just keep pumping the air full of chemicals until nobody can breath.That seems to be the Republican battle cry.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 11:46 pm
First prove it's us doing it. This reminds me of the ozone layer. Remember that calamity? The world was doomed then but now nobody talks about it. It was us causing that one to remember? Or maybe you should stop driving your car/cars? What about not using your heater in the winter. Taking off the transformer that feeds your house?

Get china and india to address it instead of giving them a pass and then maybe we'll think about it. We'll get to be taxed a few trillion dollars and we will reduce emission by how much? .002 degree's? Start saving your dollars and contribute now and let me know when you make a dent.
Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 07:40 am
"Yea. To hell with all the health hazzards and respritory illnesses, just keep pumping the air full of chemicals until nobody can breath.That seems to be the Republican battle cry.'

A very biased blanket statement you have uttered there , Tumbleweed . Republicans DO care about health hazards and respiratory illnesses , and do not advocate destroying the air , they just see the solution differently from the clean air folks .

hazards , respiratory , breathe
0 Replies
tumbleweed cv
Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 08:05 am
I don't live in India or China and Acid Rain isn't a band.:wtf:

Effects of Acid Rain - Human Health | Acid Rain | Clean Air Markets | US EPA

Reasons for cleaning up the environment doesn't have to be related to global warming.

The "Chicken Little" policy of the Bush White House doesn't change the fact we are the largest polluter on the planet.

United States of America: Oil, Pollution and Kyoto

Contrary to Republican belief, the world won't come to an end if we clean up our own back yard.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 07:07 pm
How clean is your back yard?
I also noticed neither of your links mention anything of cost for such reductions.
tumbleweed cv
Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 07:11 pm
So to Republicans it is more about the money than the health of it's citizens?:wtf:
Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 08:47 pm
@tumbleweed cv,
It is wrong to accuse the administration of not caring just because they don't follow every rat trail the environmentalists chase down .
We have to consider the costs of everything rather than just enact legislation that won't work to please "greenies."
Brent cv
Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 08:48 pm
Curmudgeon;7423 wrote:
It is wrong to accuse the administration of not caring just because they don't follow every rat trail the environmentalists chase down .
We have to consider the costs of everything rather than just enact legislation that won't work to please "greenies."

I agree.
tumbleweed cv
Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 08:55 pm
@Brent cv,
Greenies aren't the only people suffering from Republican indifference to reality.

Typical Republican smokescreen.

Money isn't something Republicans worry about.
tumbleweed cv
Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 10:21 pm
@tumbleweed cv,
Babby-boomers are coming online. They have been breathing all these chemicals for a longtime.Very Happy

Republicans want to pass the buck. Save money now but pay for it in the future. Great policy.:cool:

The election didn't seem to register for the Republican faithful.Very Happy

Stay the course.:bs2: Damn the health care system.:alcoholic: We save enough through tax cuts to pay for baby boomers:blah:

:dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2:

Like sheep to slaughter.Very Happy
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 07:49 am
@tumbleweed cv,
tumbleweed;7422 wrote:
So to Republicans it is more about the money than the health of it's citizens?:wtf:
How much money have you donated to global warming? I cleaned my back yard this weekend. How much money are you willing to give to reduce the temperature one degree. I think it will cost you more then you make in a lifetime. You best get started.

So to Republicans it is more about the money than the health of it's citizens

So you are willing to sacrifice our economy to reduce the temp by less then one degree in ten/twenty years? What will you say to the money you wasted when the temperature starts going back down. All by itself, like it's been doing for millions if not billions of years? I bet you will take the credit for it even though you had nothing to do with the natural cycle! Most dems see this hogwash as a cash cow and they got you convinced. It's a win/win situation for them and you will get to feel good about yourself for making a difference. All for not.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 07:53 am
@tumbleweed cv,
tumbleweed;7425 wrote:
Greenies aren't the only people suffering from Republican indifference to reality.

Typical Republican smokescreen.

Money isn't something Republicans worry about.
You can't see the forest even though your looking at trees. Who created all the green house gases? You would answer repugs. Money seems to be some thing you'd like us to spend but i find it hard to believe that you've spent dime one. The smoke screen is coming from your back yard and your wallet. Put up or, well you know the rest.
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 08:00 am
@tumbleweed cv,
tumbleweed;7426 wrote:
Babby-boomers are coming online. They have been breathing all these chemicals for a longtime.Very Happy

Republicans want to pass the buck. Save money now but pay for it in the future. Great policy.:cool:

The election didn't seem to register for the Republican faithful.Very Happy

Stay the course.:bs2: Damn the health care system.:alcoholic: We save enough through tax cuts to pay for baby boomers:blah:

:dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2:

Like sheep to slaughter.Very Happy
Republicans want to pass the buck. Save money now but pay for it in the future. Great policy.:cool:

Welcome Jesus i didn't know you had arrived so soon. Come to save the boomers from the evil republicans?

The election didn't seem to register for the Republican faithful.Very Happy

Isn't that to your advantage if it is so? Or are you looking at trees again?

Stay the course. Damn the health care system. We save enough through tax cuts to pay for baby boomers

Like sheep to slaughter.

Start donating now to your worthy cause, lead by example and you may get what you wish for. Don't wait for us if you find it so drastic. But wait you will!
0 Replies
tumbleweed cv
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 08:17 am
I can see just fine.Very Happy I'm confident the Democrats will straighten out the mess Republicans are leaving behind.

They already cut and run on their pork bills so I expect they will do the same on all the other mistakes they have made.
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 05:21 pm
@tumbleweed cv,
tumbleweed;7435 wrote:
I can see just fine.Very Happy I'm confident the Democrats will straighten out the mess Republicans are leaving behind.

They already cut and run on their pork bills so I expect they will do the same on all the other mistakes they have made.
Seeing intails opening your eyes. What have demo's ever straightened out. They are good at raising taxes, which i'm sure is soon to come. I'd like to know what kind of cars you all are trading in for an econobox. Those politicians should look spiff. No more Benzo'z, Beemers, or limo's. I'd like to also see what Al Gore flys to his seminars, think is a gas gussler? They won't mind legislating us to change but i dought there legislation includes them. Lead by example is the only way i'll follow suit.
They already cut and run on their pork bills

The repugs did, what about the dems? I say they'll try and hold there ground. That's probably the only thing the dems won't cut and run from!
tumbleweed cv
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 10:26 pm
Here is what you get for sticking your head in the sand.:cool:

Report says CO2 emissions have doubled - Yahoo! News

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