Darkseid wrote:Our atmosphere is designed to manage with the flourocarbons from evaporation. But however, it cannot handel the flourocarbons from our technology.
You fail the understand what a balance is and even though one factor might be insignificant it can still bend the scale of things.
Take for instance, soap that can kill 99.9% of germs. There is still .1% that germs can get by.
In similarity that is what we are seeing with our atmosphere.
Quote:Our atmosphere is designed to manage with the flourocarbons from evaporation.
Who designed it?
Quote:But however, it cannot handel the flourocarbons from our technology.
OUr population has gotten bigger, as well as industry. India and China to name a few. That to me means more flurocarbons. Why has the hole in the Ozone gotten smaller?
Quote:You fail the understand what a balance is and even though one factor might be insignificant it can still bend the scale of things.
But the claim of the media and scientists of the time was that we were bending it to the braking point, yet we hear not much of it today. They would rather talk about global warming even though when they were talking of ozone layels this world was supposedly cooling then? So i see no failure in my interpritation. We still have a balance.
Quote:Take for instance, soap that can kill 99.9% of germs. There is still .1% that germs can get by.
In similarity that is what we are seeing with our atmosphere.
Sounds like the Kyoto agreement. Just add a few more zero's to your .1 and you will have what temperature we will reduce the effects for the cost of trillions of dollars, while the biggest pollutors get a bye.