jatuab;4192 wrote:I've worked with gay people of all different backgrounds and histories, and I've never had one try to hit on me or be totally enthralled with me, because they usually knew that I was straight. What's the difference in having men and women together and having homosexuals and straight people together? I'm sure that more acts of adultery have happened due to intermingled sexes in the armed forces when compared to homosexual advances in the workplace.
Quote:I've worked with gay people of all different backgrounds and histories, and I've never had one try to hit on me or be totally enthralled with me, because they usually knew that I was straight.
I have had both sex's hit on me as you say. I've coached a prodominantly Lesbian softball team that my wife plays on(no she is not bi ) for at least seven years. I know quite a few gay males as well for various reasons. In specific situations the oppotunity always arrive's. In my experience.
Quote:What's the difference in having men and women together and having homosexuals and straight people together?
The difference is the emotion that always gets attached when there is a sexual interest. You want not much emotion attached to the person you expect to cover your back. The natural order tells you to watch your own back when you are not sure of the one behind you. IMO In the military you need to expect your fellow soldier will be that and not the other. My example for simplicity would be this.
Your in a bar with the buds. You have a gentile friend and amachismo friend with you. Given similar stature who would you want to back you up in a fight for your life? I'll answer this easy. The guy that gots nutts, not the one that wants nuts, behind me.
Quote:I'm sure that more acts of adultery have happened due to intermingled sexes in the armed forces when compared to homosexual advances in the workplace.
Of course there would be more adultery among hetero's, we comprise close to ninety percent of any thing you could call a real relationship. Gays on the other hand have a statistic that i don't know if it still holds true, but the average i remember was over one hundred partners per years for sexually active adults. I believe that the percentage of hetero to gays was like 95/5 and i don't remember if that was nationwide of world? Have no clue on the military side but i'm sure it even lower? So unless gays only hook up in bars then they might squick through, i know plenty of guys that only score in the work play as well.