@Brent cv,
I used to help administrate insurance for an employee leasing company, Maybe I can give you a few pointers
There are a ton of possibilities out there for you Brent. Since you're male, 21 and are healthy, you will have the cheapest rates of all.
Aetna e-insurance can find you companys/policies to look at.
I put in a zip code for Huntsville and your age. It gave me several policies for around $40 bucks a month.
You need to decide what you can pay a month and go from there. The bigger your deductible the smaller your payment. Make sure your deductible is going to be somewhat easy to pay. Sometimes there is only a $5 to $10 a month difference in a $2500 to $5000 annual deductable.
Since you say you are in good health then catastrophic coverage may be good for you. It usually won't cover doctor visits or prescriptions but if you get in an accident, paying $5000 is better than $50,000.
Take a good long look at this link
Put in your info and see the choices. You need to look at the following.
1. See what policies are the best match for your needs. What you can afford monthly verses the deductable and coverage.
2. Do you need prescription coverage if you are in good health? Prescriptions cost can kick your arse.. even a simple antibiotic.
Some of the meds I need to live are $11.00 a month.. some are $400.00
3. Make sure the policy is accepted by the Doctor you want. If it is, make sure the doctor is taking new patients.
Call and Ask the doctor dont rely on what the website tells you. What the doctor does or doesn't do changes all the time and the web administrator doesnt have time to change all the info.
4. If you choose a Doctor, make an appointment ASAP to get aquainted even if there is nuttin wrong. There is usually a
long waiting period for new patients.
5. Remember, ALL insurance companies suck at one thing or another you will find complaints about all of them. Research is your friend
Anywhoooooo... lemme know if you have any questions. PM me or I'll be glad to talk to you by phone if ya want.