guigus wrote:
ACB wrote:
guigus wrote:every truth must be true
Why do you insist on "
must be true"? What's wrong with "
is true"?
There is nothing wrong with "is true," as there is nothing wrong with "must be true" either, although they say different things. But what I am saying is that "every truth must be true," which does not mean that "no truth is contingent." And I regret that you cannot read it the way I do.
Is true... Must be true... It is all a lie based upon the thought that we can actually know...
Everything is a lie... Every statement is fiction, an approximation, a fabrication... All our concepts are analogy, and all our words are concepts, and the lives we try to live objectively through all of our forms can only be expressed subjectively....
But it is just to unweildy to say: The sky is blue, to me; or, The appearance of the sky is blue, accepting that we share a definition of blue, and sky, and is...
We act as if we know, and we act as if we understand, and since truth is a form of relationship which is infinite, meaning it is ongoing, and is a process that can be corrected, then the facts are not so important at any moment as the relationship, which is what the truth is really all about... No truth equals no relatonship... And too much truth can destroy the relationship as quickly...
For our survival, truth is as much that which we reveal as conceal.