Homomorph wrote:
Hi Mark,
Are you saying it may be possible for us to increase our level(s) of awareness to accomplish this in some way, since we are already part of a larger consciousness? I just want to rid myself of this cumbersome body.
The other side is that we effectively control everything we experience, since we are only observing, so I agree with that too, if that's what you mean.
Nice to see you
Hi Homomorph!
Your cumbersome body is but a droplet of water in the ocean of being - You (God) will live and die as every single droplet in that ocean - Over and over - forever and ever.
This life, this universe - will come and go - Then recommence an infinite amount of times, with your essence, as always, in the mixing pot. You'll exist as every thing that can exist, including you, again and again, etc.
Eternity demands this: To believe in Eternity is to accept this.
The individual droplet does not control the movements of the ocean until it exists in harmony with the entire ocean universal mind. At this point it realises that it no longer has any sensation it can call its own. It becomes lost in an unending search for its own (soul) and self-destructs - yet again -yet again. And the journey (or cycle) is once again in motion.
To sum up.
When I'm you I'll read this
For, through your eyes will I see
Through your mind, I'll interpret it
And somewhat set it free
I'll likely understand it not
And tend to let it be
But, just in case, I'm out of place
I'll write it Whilst
I'm me.
Have a terrific day, Homomorph!