Yes & can understand that to some extent, RJB.
But, I don't know ....
I, like everyone else, was appalled by the loss of innocent lives as the result of 9/11.... But I was equally (if not more so) appalled by the "shocking & awing" of Iraq by the US, for absolutely no good reason. I was just as appalled by the loss of about 200 innocent Australian lives in the Bali bombings, too. So many other instances I could name.
It is not
only Americans who have suffered terribly, & it is not only Americans who were/are still involved in "the war on terror"(though many of us here opposed our involvement, particularly the Iraq invasion, from the start) .
What I'm trying to say (rather badly, I think) is the the celebratory rhetoric , the celebrations on our TV screens, seemed totally US-centric. Almost as if it was
only about the US & US nationalism , when this diabolical "war on terror" has impacted on so many other innocent people around the planet.
Like many people I've spoken to about Bin Laden's death, I found the celebration of death, with such exhilaration, well ... rather distasteful. It seemed to be more about revenge, than anything else. I was, & remain, far more concerned about the possible retaliation from "jihadists" seeking revenge for his death. And that could happen in any US-allied country on the planet.