Quote:I hate to sound the pessimist, dp, but Howard was the greatest crawler & sycophant I can think of, in regard to our relationship with the US.
I believe one has to see this in a cultural context. to us it sounds like blowing smoke up someones arse but you know how overblown public displays are in America. (watch Opra). To them it sounds like well deserved praise. If it was more understated they would wonder if we really meant it.
The fact that we dont actually mean it is irrelevant.
Watched Gillard on quanda last night get a grilling on carbon tax backflip/ reversal whatever you call it. I thought she presented her self very well. The impression i got was Gillard undersatnds that
something needs to be done on the carbon issue. She did not want a carbon tax (as promised prior to the last election) but did want an emission trading scheme.
Gillard and Labour were forced to accept the carbon tax in order to get the greens/independants to support "something" but not "anything".
I haver no problem with announcing a policy.
Let the boffins iron out the bugs and details.