So, despite a spirited ongoing public campaign, our prime minister has said absolutely
nothing to support Julian Assange's rights, say nothing of making a strong public statement in support of his
Despite the the hysterical US reaction ... calls for execution, hanging, kidnapping & god knows what else .. from politicians, media commentators & crazy people on internet blogs, our prime minister says nothing.
If so many prominent public figures in this country ... legal experts, lawyers, academics, parliamentarians, artists, writers & the rest of us ordinary people are urging Julia to simply
do her job as prime minister of Australia ... to state strongly & forcefully that this sort of treatment of an Australian citizen is unacceptable, but yet still she says nothing ... then she has surely abrogated her position as the leader of this country.
I cannot tell you how much it saddens me to say this. But that's how I see it. This responsibility is an important part of her job as prime minister. And she's gone missing in action at a critical time. (Apart from one public appearance with Oprah, in Melbourne last week.
Whatever her reasons, she has lost a helluva lot of respect & support.
Whoever is advising her is completely out of touch with the Australian people.
And me, I couldn't care less anymore about the likely adverse impact on her political future, I care much more about the impact of this situation on the future of the Australian Labor Party. Australian workers will wear the cost of this disaffection with their leadership, if Labor loses its precarious hold on government.