Quote:I have to say if neither side stated their intentions (honestly or dishonestly) I'd still lean to the ALP - but that doesn't mean I think they're doing a great job right now. They've got some talented ministers but they've got some self-serving nincompoops too. Libs on the other hand, and Tony's team in particular, are tainted by it's role in the Howard years.
I'm hoping for a reduced ALP majority in the lower house and a greens controlled senate.
My thoughts exactly, hinge.
(Though that doesn't mean I'll actually be voting for Labor. I much prefer the Greens' policies. And integrity-wise, the Greens stand out like a sore thumb (as the saying goes!
) at the moment. For me, anyway. And for quite a number of Australian voters looking for an alternative to the big 2, according to the polls. Let's hope they stay that way & are not "tainted" by their recent preference deal (& any future wheeling & dealing) with Labor. (Remember the Democrats & Meg Lees, cosying up
a little too closely with the Libs on the GST? Really damaging internal divisions with their own members & (almost) instant death to their political credibility & their viability as the third party in Oz politics)
Quote:... And for a few deaths (political or otherwise) in the shadow cabinet. Oh, and Mark Arbib and Jason Clare relegated to the backbenches.
Could you elaborate, please? I'm not familiar with either of these two, though mark Arbib definitely rings a bell .. & you've mentioned him before here.
As to my (political) death-death wish in the senate.: I fervently hope we've seen the last of
Steve Fielding &
Family First . Ugh.