It's been a rather unsatisfying week in Oz politics. The "highlights" aren't exactly inspiring.
We had Blanche & Bob (Hawke) talking (at length!) to Kerry O'Brien on the
7:30 Report about Blanche's new book. A bit of re-writing of the Hawke family history in the process. (Pretty tacky, Blanche.) And it reignited the feud between Hawke & Keating. I mean, who cares at this stage?
Then we had Julia reaffirming our commitment to ongoing the war in Afghanistan, after yet another Australian soldier's death. Our participation in the war in Afghanistan must go on to keep us all safe against terrorism in Oz. (Oh Julia, I can't believe you actually said this! I don't believe for a minute this is actually what you think!
Then we had Julia's first major press conference up-staged by Laurie Oaks (longtime, firmly established political commentator). About the details of Labor's dumping of Kevin Rudd.:
We had the story about how much Labor's buying the peace with the huge mining companies has cost the taxpayer. Seven and a half billion dollars (!) in lost revenue!:
Then we had the story of (foreign affairs minister) Stephen Smith's visit to Jakarta, to persuade Indonesia of the wisdom of Timor-Leste (East Timor ) as the site of Australia's off-shore asylum seekers processing centre. He was turned down by Jakarta. (Why they hell was he talking to Jarkarta & not Timor-Leste, anyway?)
And there has been more, but I haven't the heart to go on.
The tragedy is that the the Liberal opposition is even a worse option than Labor.