Reply Mon 21 Jun, 2010 03:05 pm
Well i have tropical fish and i started off with four fish, two white males and two gold females a couple of days after i got them they each started to die except for one gold fish which was a female, a couple of days after the three fish died there were small fish in the tank so I'm wondering what made them fish die?
Robert Gentel
Reply Mon 21 Jun, 2010 03:23 pm
Goldfish and tropical fish should not be mixed, they have very different environmental needs.

Are you saying you had a tropical fish that was gold in color? Or are you talking about a goldfish?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Jun, 2010 04:10 pm
I was saying i had tropical fish that was a gold color
Reply Mon 21 Jun, 2010 04:46 pm
More details, name of fish?

..then google the fish and look up what conditions these fish needs.
0 Replies
Robert Gentel
Reply Tue 22 Jun, 2010 12:08 am
Well without any information about the fish I can only guess, so here are the most common reason fish die in aquariums (other than obvious things like lack of oxygen, food etc):

Failure to manage the nitrification cycle resulting in ammonia poisoning.

Basically, the nitrogenous fish poop turns into ammonia, and if the ammonia isn't broken down (by bacteria that turns ammonia into nitrite and nitrite into nitrate) it will kill most fish.

In order to determine if this happened, you can buy a kit to test the water for ammonia. In order to prevent this from happening you should do the following:

1) Let an aquarium cycle prior to adding fish. Otherwise your first fish will often die. To let an aquarium cycle means to let it develop the bacterias it needs to break down ammonia. You can do this by buying commercially prepared bacteria for this purpose, or you can do this by using gravel or water from an existing aquarium. Let this water sit for a few weeks before introducing fish slowly.

2) Change 1/3 of the water regularly. This is a manual way to help the process by diluting the ammonia in the water and the basics of this are not to completely change all the water (this will remove the bacteria that breaks down the ammonia), not to add tap water directly (it has chlorine that can kill them, dechlorinate the water first either by using a commercial product or by letting the water sit overnight so it evaporates), and to add the new water slowly (so it doesn't dramatically change the water temperature).

In the wild fish have a lot more water and the ammonia is well diluted, in a small aquarium you may need regular water changing to keep the ammonia levels down. Speaking of water to fish ratios:

3) Don't put too many fish in the aquarium. A very imprecise rule, but that can serve as a general guideline is "one gallon of water per inch of fish". This means that for every inch of fish (how long the fish are) you should have a gallon of water. But in smaller tanks this might not even be enough, and you should avoid the common impulse to add too many fish (hey, anyone who has gotten into aquariums has wanted to add fish).

4) Don't put too much food into the aquarium. If food remains after the fish have eaten for a few minutes it's too much. It will decompose and add to the ammonia problem.

Attacks from other fish

This one's simple. Put the wrong type of fish together and they may kill each other. If you notice fish chasing other fish you should make sure that they aren't being territorial or aggressive. Even if they don't catch the other fish they are submitting it to life-or-death threat all day long and it can die from that.


First of all, the most common way a healthy tank of fish gets sick is through the introduction of sick fish. So when you buy your fish pay attention to the condition of the fish in the tank. Don't buy from places with dead fish, or sick fish in the tanks.

Common diseases are White Spot (Ich), Fin Rot, and other fungus. Research their symptoms and watch for them, and you can get medicine to treat them if they appear.

Incorrect Temperature

Different fish need their water at different temperature. You should know the species you have and make sure your water is the right temperature (usual problem is too cold, and you can get heaters).

Also note that sudden changes in temperature can harm some fish.

Incorrect or unstable PH levels

Different fish need different PH levels in the water and you should again know the species you have and make sure you maintain the water at the right PH level range for them. You should also make sure your PH levels are stable. You can buy kits to test this as well. Also make sure not to mix fish that have incompatible PH level needs.

I don't know anything about your fish other than their colors but I bet it was one of those reasons. Welcome to a2k by the way.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jun, 2010 10:25 pm
nyjaelp wrote:
I was saying i had tropical fish that was a gold color
As I supsected, much time has passed and no answer to this thread. There are just people one should not rush off helping too much, as it would only be casting pearls.
Reply Fri 25 Jun, 2010 10:36 pm
Personally i think you are out odf order there hex.
Your total commitment to this poster must have been all of 2 minutes. Not a big slice out of your life.
Maybe the kid forgot to bookmark the site or couldnt find the thread again. Maybe they used anther source to find the information they needed.

Just help where you can, forget the ones you can"t.
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2010 06:55 am
dadpad wrote:

Personally i think you are out odf order there hex.
Your total commitment to this poster must have been all of 2 minutes. Not a big slice out of your life.
Maybe the kid forgot to bookmark the site or couldnt find the thread again. Maybe they used anther source to find the information they needed.

Just help where you can, forget the ones you can"t.
Then do as Robert Gentel? ..you have to be kidding me, I do help people alot, just not those who don't want to be helped.

I did my research and noted this person has posted some posts, thus not new to the site, and was of a strange mentallity.

You are a good reflection of why society are so utterly inefficient, because too many billions each year are wasted on wrong efforts, just running headlong spending money, hireing incompetent people ..etc.

Robert Gentel
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2010 10:43 am
If you don't want to help people don't (and it's not like you did, so I have no idea what you are on about), I do so what is it to you?

The information I provided might be useful to a future reader, you never know. I like sharing information, I don't mind if you think someone is too lazy to deserve it. I do it because I enjoy it.
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2010 01:33 pm
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:

If you don't want to help people don't (and it's not like you did, so I have no idea what you are on about), I do so what is it to you?
So, just because I didn't want to help in THIS situation, it's automaticly that I don't help in ANY other situation?
Robert Gentel
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2010 02:04 pm
I'm not talking about other situations. I'm talking about this one, you have spent more time here attacking people for being helpful than being helpful. Strikes me as some pretty thick and heavy daftitude. If you don't want to help the poster, don't. What is it to you if others want to?
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2010 02:46 pm
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:

I'm not talking about other situations. I'm talking about this one, you have spent more time here attacking people for being helpful than being helpful. Strikes me as some pretty thick and heavy daftitude. If you don't want to help the poster, don't. What is it to you if others want to?
My humble intention was to make you wake up and smell the coffee.

Well, what is the aim, is to put the effort where it matters, see things in a greater perspective, that's what is essential in everything we do in life, be it buisness, war, politics, helping other countries ..etc.

Just look how people with good intention prolong the wars in 3rd world countries, and only add to the suffering as they are oblivious to how the money and goods end up in the wrong pockets and only a faction of the aid reaches the victims.

Least in Denmark we are beginning to realize that all those billions of money we'r send down to Africa hasn't helped, we have done so for about 4 decades, and things are still as they were, which is why we have changed tactics to do other things than just sending money and food.
Robert Gentel
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2010 02:51 pm
HexHammer wrote:
My humble intention was to make you wake up and smell the coffee.

What coffee? This is ridiculous. I like helping people, it's none of your business what I do in my free time for enjoyment and you are making precious little sense (and you have now spent more time arguing against helping than I did helping in the first place, this is utterly daft).
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2010 05:11 pm
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:

HexHammer wrote:
My humble intention was to make you wake up and smell the coffee.

What coffee? This is ridiculous. I like helping people, it's none of your business what I do in my free time for enjoyment and you are making precious little sense (and you have now spent more time arguing against helping than I did helping in the first place, this is utterly daft).
This is a philosophy forum, the reason people are here, is to discuss things, isn't it?

If you had used your rationallity, instead of always getting defensive and only see the negative sides of the matter, then you would see that I havn't spoken against helping people, but only spoken against in which way, when it's a waste of time.
If you have so low rationallity, that you actually like wasting your time, that isn't of my buisness.

Like many others mr Robert, you have excelent rethorics, but extremely low reationallity.
Robert Gentel
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2010 05:14 pm
HexHammer wrote:
This is a philosophy forum, the reason people are here, is to discuss things, isn't it?

I see your problem. No, this is not in the "philosophy forum" (I suppose to someone with only one hammer all problems begin to look like nails), this is a tropical fish thread (not posted to the philosophy forum) that I'm done with unless the original poster needs more help.

Jesus H. Christ.
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2010 05:40 pm
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:

HexHammer wrote:
This is a philosophy forum, the reason people are here, is to discuss things, isn't it?

I see your problem. No, this is not in the "philosophy forum" (I suppose to someone with only one hammer all problems begin to look like nails), this is a tropical fish thread (not posted to the philosophy forum) that I'm done with unless the original poster needs more help.

Jesus H. Christ.
Oh yes, you got me, I meant to say it was a forum, not a philosophy forum.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2010 01:01 am
HexHammer wrote:

Robert Gentel wrote:

I'm not talking about other situations. I'm talking about this one, you have spent more time here attacking people for being helpful than being helpful. Strikes me as some pretty thick and heavy daftitude. If you don't want to help the poster, don't. What is it to you if others want to?
My humble intention was to make you wake up and smell the coffee.

Well, what is the aim, is to put the effort where it matters, see things in a greater perspective, that's what is essential in everything we do in life, be it buisness, war, politics, helping other countries ..etc.

Just look how people with good intention prolong the wars in 3rd world countries, and only add to the suffering as they are oblivious to how the money and goods end up in the wrong pockets and only a faction of the aid reaches the victims.

Least in Denmark we are beginning to realize that all those billions of money we'r send down to Africa hasn't helped, we have done so for about 4 decades, and things are still as they were, which is why we have changed tactics to do other things than just sending money and food.

This is one of the weirdest exchanges I have ever seen here.

A simple post containing information about tropical fish on a site dedicated to answering questions about all manner of things leads to this diatribe based upon your believing that you have some godlike omniscience which allows you to determine who should receive help, whom it is important to help and what help is best for them ? However, you have re-named your god "rationality" and in its name you go about judging others and missionarizing that they only do what you would do re helping.

You have no way whatsoever of judging the person who created this thread. We have lots of people who come and ask questions about things and do not realize that most think it is mannerly to thank the person who has given them information.

A2k actually has a lot of tropical fish questions, largely because Robert happens to be a piscophile, amongst his numerous omniphilias, and people end up here from google.

Even if we give you your utterly baseless characterisation of the thread poster as one not worthy of help, there is this whole invention called the internet where people look stuff up even when they have not actually asked a question, and are able to derive helpful information from the answers given to others.

I get that you're a pod and have very rigid beliefs, but what on earth makes you want to go around proselytising in such an arrogant and un-self reflective manner????

Think of the poor fish at least! How many little nameless golden fish of uncertain species must die for your odd ideology?

Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2010 01:25 am
You as Robert G speak out of an emotional bias, not out of an intelligent rational assertion.
Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2010 01:49 am
What is irrational about enjoying sharing knowledge?

What is RATIONAL about proselytizing that everybody behave exactly as you wish them to?
Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2010 01:53 am
dlowan wrote:

What is irrational about enjoying sharing knowledge?

What is RATIONAL about proselytizing that everybody behave exactly as you wish them to?
I have already previously answerd such questions to Robert, please don't ask the same.

..however, if you can solve this A2K challenge then you will know what I am talking about.

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