Reply Sun 20 Jun, 2010 12:54 pm

Today I began doing a little research concerning the name of this domain
“Able2know” and in doing that I began to research to understand what the name in and of itself meant to see if a consensus could be found.

Come to find out there is no way to find a consensus that will lead to anyone finding that. Ha! Under present definitions. So I started creating my own.

Able as it is currently defined (per answers.com) is

"Having sufficient power or resources to accomplish something".
"Especially capable or talented".

A usage problem was mentioned:

"Anything susceptible to action or treatment".

Now THAT usage problem creates a serious problem as we attempt to understand who is susceptible and just how and what that treatment is and what they recommend!?!?

Then that becomes all our problem if we are ever going to know what anyone is capable of or able to know and do when adhering to the first two definitions.

Who is who and who are they? Try and figure that out,, the problems only grow deeper forming intangible roots no one can dig up. I hope you are not an archeologist or a paleontologist, Ha! If you are you will dig forever. Well it pays well they say, ha? The holes you are digging in are just giving more room for those intangible roots to grow in.

When I stated above that I would create my on I just then discovered that is what I have been doing my entire life. I would never ask questions to be answered by others.

I would hold that question until “my mind” answer it “itself”; and it does when the “time is right”, ha! It always has, I have mentioned it before when discussing “peace of mind” but never have I come to understand it myself a much as I do now. Ha! The thing is everyone has that capability. EVERYONE.

In other words what they are able to know will come to them when they are able to know it. The preciseness is immaculate in that we don’t know how that happens, it just does.

It could mean that something that we are not aware of is “pulling the strings” like a god or something, allowing Him to help us know him. In doing that, that continuum we know this universe to be will continue to a point in which no one will ever have to ask any questions AT.......ALL, like me; I never did.

Yes, I have, but I assure you I didn’t want to. I guess you could say I was playing along because so many others were asking question too, ha! I wanted to participate just as everyone else does and appeared to think others could answer them for me, knowing all along no one could.

Who in the hell wants to be the odd man out. Ha, unfortunately, I am. If I am the only one...........................ha, I never ask THAT QUESTION. I thought I was once and quickly learned I shouldn’t think that. Did I ever, whew! Then “I” learned not to question my mind again. I have been free ever since. Kinda make another wonder about my name huh? I didn’t name me that, my father did. You know my father that is in heaven now. Iam sure he would be proud of me.

This is what I remember as to the first question I ever remember asking of myself as to who and what God is. I was being very realistic as to what others said that god was and just wondered if they were indeed corrected and there was a god who knew everything then what I thought would be known by Him.

Surely if he did create me, the would know more about me that I knew about myself. So in effect I just let him pull the strings and just left it at that my entire life knowing he would explain things as I needed to know them. It worked to and it is still working now. Ha!

Right now I’m hungry, I make my own pizza’s,low carb. I find I don’t need as much energy as others do, so I restrict my intake. Who needs energy to burn? Most of us now have that stored and burning that is all we need for those of us who have use food to satisfy our hunger. You would be surprised where some people get their energy from? Other people! That’s the shame of it. I mentioned that once.

later, when I finish my pizza, ha! Pepperoni, Italian sausage and mushroom. Yum! Between two low carb tortillas with sauce in he middle. Anyone wanting to know exactly how, let me know. I will give you the instructions.

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Reply Sun 20 Jun, 2010 02:58 pm
Hello, and welcome A2K, William!

William wrote:
... later, when I finish my pizza, ha! Pepperoni, Italian sausage and mushroom. Yum! Between two low carb tortillas with sauce in he middle. Anyone wanting to know exactly how, let me know. I will give you the instructions.

I would be curious as to the recipe for this, if you would be so kind as to jot it down here.

I will have my wife look at it, as she is the cooking expert in our family!
Very Happy
Reply Mon 21 Jun, 2010 07:19 am
Now back to able and ability. Reyn I hope you enjoy your homemade pizzas.

After Answers.com offered what they did, I then went to Wiki (always remember when going to Wiki, any one can get “side tracked” in it’s effort to be so comprehensive) and found they didn’t even have a definition of the word “able” as they said “able”could “refer to” different things.

The very first thing they offered was a Nuclear testing program that was in affect in 1946 regarding naval nuclear testing (also called OPERATION CROSSROADS) and of course that led to TRINITY and the testing of the actual bombs that were dropped, Little boy and Fat man which actually was conducted prior in 1945. (More about these word associations later. I think you might find that interesting too)

I found it also interesting Wiki didn’t offer an answer at all as to what able meant regarding any human relationship to the word???? Perhaps that is what Wiki is now. Totally computeristic and no human element what so ever. Hmmm? Nothing about “our” ability or what we are able to do anymore. When you think about it computers do seem to occupy more and more of what it is that represents US. Wouldn’t it be a something IF we became no more than human computers we created ourselves? Would we be something then? Some thing? That’s a bit scary and what transhumanism is offering among those other nano-technological breakthroughs when nothing but computers are doing all the creating!?!?

When anyone thinks about it, as the position is held by some, that all became something from nothing as the Big Bang supposedly does, associated with what an atomic bomb does; could be be fulfilling our own death warrant and we once again will become nothing...............from that something we COULD have been, literally and mentally. Not being able to think and speak our selves!?!?

Have you receive only a text message lately?

Speaking of returning to nothing notice how short those words have become especially the POS word that did mean positive, now means “PARENT OVER SHOULDER”, ha! Perhaps if those parents knew what their children were truly able to do and know, those children wouldn’t be concerned about those parents behind their back, huh?

When one thinks about it are we, not ATOMIC? When one of us kills another one of us, could it not be said that one was dropping a bomb on the other!?!? I’ll let you think about that.

Now I am an optimist. Ha, believe it or not. It also could be that if we are able to know stuff and we allow all the ability to be themselves this world wide domain we call the INTERNET will be our saving grace.

Let us all surely hope so. Perhaps the internet is us mechanically trying to save us literally and mentally!? We now can hunt and peck at those symbols we call letters still, ha! So we haven’t lost it all.............yet! Whew!!!! I will have to admit that technology saved my life. I am now officially a CYBORG. Part machine part human.

Now a side note concerning that mechanical device installed in my chest. It is also a tracking device http://www.cardiovascularbusiness.com/index.php?option=com_articles&view=article&id=18125 and what others a able to do to keep me alive and thinking and their ability to keep track of ME at the same time and allow then to know just how my heart if performing. That approval came 3 months after that device was installed in my chest. Considering all the tracking devices in the our world today and what GPS is; it seems that device is one of those.......too! The doctor would not know what’s inside it in all that it does that those who created it knew. It’s possible, but I seriously doubt he knew it all. Considering it's call Merlin that magical authoritarian sourcerer, ha!) and was constructed by St. Jude using what came from St Paul. Hmmm? They wrote books once didn’t they? Perhaps that Thomas who it is said created St. Judes is that doubting Thomas that was left out of all those other books that were written and only now are his contributions taking form to remove all doubts, huh?

So yes I am grateful to be that thing I now am. My atomic heart was about to explode and some of you were ABLE to mechanically repair it and the damage it was do to me anatomically. My thanks to those who were able to do that for me. Just think you wouldn’t be able to read all this great stuff I, that son, of my Father in heaven who help my mother create me, am now offering as I hunt and peck at those symbols that allows me to communicate with you. Sorry, that’s the only way I can now, maybe later we can and will be able to meet personally? I’d like that.

This is the next day from when I started this thread and I must consider it fortunate no one has attempted to hijack it yet. Well this day is not over with yet, is it? Maybe this will be another one of my fortunate days.

I did offer a way to make a pizza. That’s somehing, huh! You ought to taste my Italian sausage sandwich.

My favorite is peanut butter and on occasion I add jelly. Unfortunately I can eat those any more, ha! I seem to loose control as to when to stop. To me peanut butter is really good stuff to the point I can eat an entire jar without even thinking about it. It’s a natural thing like the egg and I used to like to go to a organic food outlet that allowed one to grind roasted peanuts into that soft delicious mush that sticks to the roof of ones mouth. They had roasted almonds, cashews too that could be ground. I liked the peanut the best. A glass of Ice cold milk and a roll over peanut butter sandwich aaaah...........................heaven and when I had one it aahhaaaaaaaaa. Ha!

I have no notion of what raw peanut butter would taste like. I’ve never taste that only the roasted nut version. Perhaps another does. If anyone has please tell me what you think in comparing the two.

More later on what Wiki referred to I particularly found interesting.

Reply Fri 25 Jun, 2010 05:37 am
For those of you who are following this thread, thank you. What has become apparently clear to me is “able” has no firm definition. It doesn’t mean anything.....yet. What I do find interesting is where in the process of finding a definition and where it leads me. I can only hope some find it interesting too. Hopefully it will answer many questions as to what OUR ABILITY means?!

Please understand this thread is not meant to be understood by everyone and if you choose to question it, it is not meant for you. Though anyone certainly has a right to question anything as we all know that and only in a very few short years have all of us been free to do that. So please no “stabs or barbs” regarding this thread if anyone disagrees. It is truly my food for anyones thought and that is all it is.

The next entry Wiki referred to still had nothing to say about a human being’s ability to know as it then offered “Able”, about LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING and then offered still yet another site. I guess you could say Wiki was passing the “buck”. Concerning what Truman said when asked a question: “THE BUCK STOPS HERE” referring an explanation as to why he OK’ed the dropping of the ATOMIC BOMB.

In truth there is no one person who makes any decision for any decision is a layered accumulation of what others have said reaching one who has to make a decision. Of course a PRESIDENT / KING / FATHER / SIRE / EMPEROR would be that one. It could also be said that ONE, that WHO should make that final decision could not be so ATOMICALLY disposed, only affected by such a horrible display when that bomb did explode, huh! And he has a mind to tell us now a thing or too. I can only hope he is using me to help do that now before it is to late for anyone to understand what NATURAL means and is as it matters to the balance of all things.

It could be said the day Truman (true man?) did that, the Earth began standing still and our ability to naturally learn was coming to a screeching halt!?!? Naturally learning is what a natural person learns from another natural person when they naturally commune/compute/communicate with each other and that stopped when that ATOMIC BOMB detonated. That killed many atomic people. Those people we know who are made of those many atoms we are and supposedly that’s all we consist of.

I have a mind that tells me and therefore I would like to tell you we are not just of those atoms. Just try to find an atom that can explain that MIND that is of that MIND in and of ITSELF? Ha. We will better know what aaaaaah means when we stop trying to find aaaahhaaaa to everything and then we can stop saying...............OOPS. I guess you could say we had no choice in all our tripping on stuff as we grope around this land we call Earth as we discovered all her treasures she had in store for us. We do so want to possess her and call her our own, huh?

It could also be said some are a little more greedy than others as they not understanding her, chose to take much more of what she offered that was was not their’s to have and why that atomic bomb was dropped?

Miraculously TELEVISION was commercially born and becoming a popular new technological device that caught on like WILD FIRE. I find in kind of personally unique that “I” was born in that time television was becoming so popular. We kinda grew up together, you might say.

I guess you could say it replaced people and what they could commute/commune to each other naturally so we began using a mechanical device that began programming us as we were watching those programs it was offering to us. At that time you will have to admit now it seems those screens we are watching is all we do. Have we forgotten about people?

It started out in a family way, much like we do, and was family oriented so we would indeed “pay” attention to it. Everyone watch what it had to say as if nothing ever happened like that ATOMIC BOMB never was exploded such a short few years earlier? We knew a feeling of a family was important and why so many watched. All ages could and Mothers and Fathers and their children gathered around it to watch together.

The only problem with that was no one realize or was significant of the family we all were on this planet we call EARTH. We are that and I hope you will be able to understand that one day soon, like I do.

I guess one could say when we referred to TRINITY as we tested those atom bombs was perhaps not such a good thing. Most have there own notion of what trinity means and of course I have mine, too.

OPERATION CROSSROADS could be our way of trying to tell each other that we were approaching that fork in the road. You know the one, like that one that ever popular demon carries around to “stick” people with. We have one too every time we point a finger at another accusing them wrong; and we STICK IT TO THEM. That fork in the road could be a CROSS ROAD TOO.

Then I was led to another site Wiki referred to as GNU, ha! New? Knew? Hmmm? Know or NO. Interesting huh!? Well, I think it is anyway. All I know is GNU is a computer operating system that began in 1984. When you think about it, that’s what we are, huh!? And that year? I find that year very significant and to me personally, too.

More on that site later. It amazing, don’t you think, about what the mind is capable of when you allow it to be free and trust where it will take you when wondering what our ability is.

Please stay tuned.................if you can and thanks,

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jun, 2010 11:37 am
William wrote:
... Reyn I hope you enjoy your homemade pizzas. ...

Sorry, my wife hasn't looked at it yet. She's been real tired with helping my daughter paint her apartment.

One day... Wink Very Happy
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2010 04:15 am
Reyn wrote:

William wrote:
... Reyn I hope you enjoy your homemade pizzas. ...

Sorry, my wife hasn't looked at it yet. She's been real tired with helping my daughter paint her apartment.

One day... Wink Very Happy

Let me know when she is able to get a "round tuit" ha! Hope you like it when she does.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2010 04:16 am
Now as to GNU, G.N.U. Knew

I have always believed in A God. U know, that all knowing One!? Let’s assume GNU represents God N’ You. One of the representations of God has been “light”. Consider a ship in stormy weather and that lighthouse, that beckoning candle where that “safe shore” is and going/sailing toward that light.

As it relates to what is thought as enlightenment it assumes there are those who are in the dark, and those who are so enlighten, are closer to that God, that is that light, than others “Now hear this” and “Verily I say unto you” is your mantra, as if you know that God and all that God is. You don’t and you never will!

Now there may, very well be, those who are “enlightened”, but no one should think that they are that, themselves. That causes separation when one thinks of themselves “brighter/smarter” than others. That is what condescension is and we all know, for one to be that, is not a pleasant one to be around. All you Captain’s Judges and Preachers and Teachers “Now hear this”, ha, as so many of you seem to say to YOUR crew, people, flocks and students of those ships, courts, churches and schools you don’t know it all; you are only a part, TOO.

Remember we are still assuming here as to if GNU means God N’ You. (I’m not that fond of the icon on that site I referred you to as it is easy to understand why they choose that as to what the animal that is defined as a GNU).

If there is any truth to what I am offering and God is in you, how could anyone show that light/God they are and not be condescending?

In another thread I created, EYE CONTACT; A Spiritual Thing I ask others here when they are in a crowd, when they did get eye contact with another just smile and nod. What I was efforting to illustrate was how very rare eye contact is. I didn’t say “crowd” and perhaps I should have such as one is in just walking down a street or in a mall or just shopping. Not so much in a familiar setting.

When people are out among each other rarely do they look at a person’s face when the other person is looking at them. If you will notice many will quickly look away as if to say “I didn’t mean to intrude”, ha! Or a subtle “oops”, ha!

What will be noticed when one does as I asked their attention will be drawn to that place on our bodies where the eyes are and not pay so much attention to the rest of that body. The ‘top’ part, not the bottom part. You will also notice in those crowded venues the only time anyone is looking at the other is when the other is not looking at them, ha! Sneaky huh! Ha!

What I am offering here is WE want to know one another but most are afraid to “open up”. The only entrance to us and who we are as to all we are is the eyes. Those are where we can show our light and what “bright eyes” means and on occasion if you will concentrate on the upper part you will see those bright eyes and they are those enlightened ones. Yes, they are indeed rare.

I am not sure if Robert named this domain or not. That is not clear. Perhaps he did and there was deep thought as to why he named it the name he did; Able2know. It surely has alphabetic preference and our abilities and what we are able to do is a bit vague as to all we can do.

Yes, I think we are able to do and think many things and we are of that God not apart from that god as all us are not that god to preach or command.

You want to know another? Brighten up your eyes when you go out among other human beings and you will not have to say a word as you happen to gaze into the eyes of another you will find their eyes will brighten up too. Look at them as if they a new born child. For you see that is what we all are, green as can be as to what life is; and when you are green you grow and we can grow together forever and only pray we don’t ripe; for it is then, we rot.

If we want to truly see a person you have to stop looking at the person. Now it’s difficult to do that because we, or most, only look at the body and both men and women do that. Now that is fodder of another thread and I am now working on that one, ha! Stay tuned, that’s going to be worth waiting for, ha! Please think about this one for a while as I am done with it now. Ability, interesting word!?

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