Mon 14 Jun, 2010 01:43 pm
Everyone whether they know it or not are an ist, ism.
So dear hummingbirds;
What IST or ISM best describes you?
And why and how?
@sometime sun,
Hi Sun,
I'm a Meist. Because I believe in me.
i am a solipsist, and none of you are real
I'm a solipsist with a lateral lisp.
I'm an assIST. I enjoy helping people find information and sources for their questions. By doing so, I get to learn something too.
I'm also a transcriptionIST. I have a very small work at home business transcribing and captioning educational videos for online school courses, the hearing impaired and those for whom English is a second language. I've transcribed videos ranging from geriatric nursing courses to CNET's product review podcasts, from calculus to ancient Greek history, from workshops at Apple's annual developer's conference to Obama's Inaugural speech for the new site. This too gives me an opportunity to learn something new.
Definately, I would say I'm an antimaterialist.
Everything that I see, hear, feel, smell or taste is something thats going on within me.
Almost a solipsist.
I am a philosophical anarchist as opposed to just being sarcastic, Philosophical anarchism is an anarchist school of thought which contends that the State lacks moral legitimacy and -in contrast to revolutionary anarchism- does not advocate violent revolution to eliminate it but advocate peaceful evolution to superate it. Though philosophical anarchism does not necessarily imply any action or desire for the elimination of the State, philosophical anarchists do not believe that they have an obligation or duty to obey the State, or conversely, that the State has a right to command.
Philosophical anarchists of historical note include Mohandas Gandhi, William Godwin, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Herbert Spencer, Max Stirner and Henry David Thoreau.