2 garbage men, who had been in the BUISNESS for 2 decades, who had SUFFERD foul ODEURS through out their career, took on a vacation to Turkey and went to the perfume streets.
As they walked the one would become ill, and in the end fell to the ground. The helpful perfume sellers would aid the poor man with their smelling salts, but only making him go to a deeper coma.
The other garbage man would realize it was the thick ODOUR in the street that caused the problem, and pulled his friend out to cleaner air, which helped and he would awaken from the coma.
Conclusion: each their scent.
I have come to believe that the story is the clue. For you spelled business, suffered, and ordors wrong. I think odors is very important for you spelled it two different ways. I am right?
And do you happen to know the answer to this riddle? Mr HexHammer!