My thesis:
The world view, which we call "physicalism", which states that the world is mechanical and that mind is just a complex mathematical model, is an absurd. Link itself contains arguments to show that it has serious logical biases.
Some call that also materialism, but materialism is:
a) a much wider term as it does not imply that world is mechanism, it implies only that all processes can be explained in terms of matter and it's laws.
b) somewhat outdated term as we now speak of physical information and know many nonmaterial forms of "matter" - things, what interact with matter, but do not fall into original strict terms.
I am, there, showing that widespread form of materialism, which states that there are only causal laws, is false. This kind of materialism has it's roots in Newtonian world-view, but it has developed into a concrete theory relatively lately, definitely after 19th century. I think that all it's implications have made clear in last fifty years - before that there was some hope that things somehow fall into places in that world-view and that it could actually explain something.
As philosophers have shown the cases I show long time ago, I am not trying to tell anything new. I am just trying to show that one of really widespread "scientific" model, which is never proven, but taken as granted, contains serious logical fallacies. I am, also, not proposing an alternative except the few interesting facts directly implied from it being false.
But text itself - you have to read to understand. It does not bite