kennethamy wrote:
Fido wrote:
kennethamy wrote:
Arjuna wrote:
jeeprs wrote:
The fact that living organisms maintain an identity while constantly changing is a real conundrum isn't it? Are you the same person you were as a child? No. Are you a different person? Not really.
Yea, it's a doozy. Personal identity. Isn't all identity, though? If you didn't know good and well that the river is an unchanging entity, you wouldn't be able to make sense of Heraclitus' insight... "the same river."
But that is not true. The river is constantly changing in many different ways, but it remains the same river. And
that is the puzzle. How it remains the same river even though it is constantly changing.
The river does not remain the same river any more than we remain the same people... The river remains A river.. We can compare the river of today with the river of yesterday because of its conserved quality as a river..... A river is a river... A is A...
Well, of course, the river remains a river. Who would deny that? But that is not the issue. The issue is whether even when the river changes, it is the very same river after the change as before the change. Everything is what it is, of course. But that is a trivial tautology no one would deny. But that does not mean that whatever it is always is the very same thing even after there are changes. And the question is this: supposing (as we do suppose) that it is the same thing after changing as it was before changing, since there were changes, what is it that remains the same? Sure, I am the very same person I was when I was an infant. But, manifestly, great changes have occurred to me since I was an infant. So, what about me is the same now as it was when I was an infant? Simply repeating that I am the same does not answer that question. Is is assumed by that questions.
Well Kennethamy, Identity is that simple fact, whether when we are talking of an example of any form whether the form is changed, or the example is changed by any operation performed upon it... People change and remain people, and more than that, the concept of people remains... Rivers change, but the identity of River does not change, and so long as the river does not change into something other than, it remains a river... Forms/concepts do change over time; but in the short term they are stabile... For the sake of reason, and logic, change must be seen a occuring to the individual example of the form....
If everything were variable, forms as well as specific examples then no judgement could be made as to the degree of difference, before and after... We judge things compared to the form... We ask: Is a three legged dog still a dog??? Is a spotted dog still a dog??? The same thing is true of physics, where concepts reflect what qualities are conserved, like volume, or mass, or motion... Specific gravity is a certain relationship of weight to volume that is conserved... When some element is measured against its specific gravity, it is not the proven standard that is changed, but the element that is recognized as alloyed... That is Identity, which is not some general equality... Isn't it recognized that individual examples always vary from the concept/ideal???