I recall this as some kind of argument that "we arose from the sea".
Well thats an oversimplification in that basically everything alive is a "pump" of some kind of alkali element like sodium, potassium or, in plants calcium and magnesium.
Ocean water has a range primarily dependent on the amount of sodium disassociated . The range of seawater can go as high as pH 8.5, whereas human blood would be toxic to us with so high a sdium concentration, o our blood has a fairly fixed range of about 7.3 to 7.4 pH. Since everything obviously arose from the seas by virtue of its being a hospitable medium, the mere association of pH's does not tell the entire story, whereas the alkali balance does.
Death, its been said, is biochemically defined as a decline in pH.
Similarities between alkalic lavas and blood can also be made.