Wed 19 Nov, 2003 05:05 am
Who is "us"? What disenfranchised group do you belong to that you're talking about? Right wing, left wing, Moslem, Jew, nudist, anarchist, environmentalist?
Or is your question just rhetorical?
Right on Phoenix. I've got absolutely no idea what he's talking about.
Which may well be an accurate description of the author.
Ok, sorry for the undistinct post and excessive length of my writing - my point is very clear in my mind and I assumed this would be conveyed with my writing. to answer your questions, there is no us. we are not a defined group of people, rather, we are simply the people that have been brnded as outcasts by the society in which 'normal' people dwell. we are those who have been hurt by various things whether it be relationships, tragic events, of just plain individuality. the individual in our modern society has no place and this id what upsets myself and people like me. we tend to be seen as outcasts because we don't say much or have different, sometimes very simplistic, lives. Yet because of the way in which we are viewed by the masses of society, we are seen as the 'bad guys', the ones to stay away from. We are seen to hate everything and love nothing while we have very little hate whatsoever. I am a Buddhist layman and I find hate in nothing; I do find I dislike many things, however, my choice not to encorperate these things into my life does not constitute any hate whatsoever.
I do apologise for my negativity, I did attempt to explain my reasoning, however, if you have any questions on my writing, please do not hesitate to ask. your input is valued.
Glad I'm not the only one still confused.
ok, maybe that is so, lol, I don't know, most people find it pretty easy to understand me. I guess body language always helps. look, all I am saying is that, you know the guy that you never knew anything about in high school, the one you just assumed was a nerd because he never said anything to anyone and never saw him around and just assumed he was in the library studying. then 20 years later tis guy finally finds somewhere he fits in and is accepted not as a nerd but as a human being and suddenly everyone knows his name but you and all your perfect friends don't because you never botered to accept him. this is directed at those people. you shut the minority out in the thoughty we will disappear, but we never do and it is people like us that still hold the simple values in life close to our hearts
I doubt you'll find many people like that on this particular site. In fact, you're probably likely to find more like yourself.
you don't know how good that is to hear =) thanks Wilso. does it make a little more sense now?
lets just say, kindred spirits!
Justin- People who truly walk to the beat of their own drummer are not all that concerned about being accepted by people who are not like them. Why are you? Also, why are you so critical of others?
I understand that, I truly do, but I have lost some of my very closest friends because of the way society generalises people. I guess there just comes a point where you need to find someone who will listen toy your thoughts. sorry. I will stop.
Justin- If you don't want to share anything personal, fine. But if you want feedback from people, they need to understand what you are attempting to communicate. You cannot have it both ways.
In this world today too many people let others influence how they feel about themselves.
If I am fat, ugly, untalented, have a shitty personality and lazy - is it really going to make a dent in my psyche if someone who perceives themselves as better than me, tells me so? I don't friggin think so!
In each of us should be self-love, not over-the-top "I'm better than anyone else on this planet" love, but an acceptance of who I am and that I like me. I guess I have been lucky enough to find that, so when anyone else criticises me, I am able to listen, evaluate and judge whether they are full of **** or not. Then I move on. Opinions of others, while interesting to hear, are not what rule my life. It is interaction and learning that I find a positive in my life and I get that here. I don't dwell on the negativity of others - if people piss me off, I stay away from them. I need stress in my life like I need a boil on my bum!
Spank you very much. That was all lies by the way, used as an example. Even if it was true, I am absolutely fabulous in my own mind - a babe, a hot tamale, superb, ingenious, need I go on?
Since a couple of you seem to know what in hell this thread is all about, I would appreciate one of you consolidating the concept into a coherent sentence.
I'd really like to understand also.