Just because your life has no externally-applied meaning doesn't mean it has NO meaning. Isn't any meaning you could ascribe to your existence - self determined meaning - better than anything that could be applied to you externally? And to whom might this lot of "objective judgement" fall? Who better than you?
On Value: To say that we have no intrinsic value is - I believe - accurate. But again, that is not to say that it has NO value. Again, in order for value to have worth, must it be applied from some external source? Is it
only valid if it comes from someone or something else?
Value, meaning and purpose are relative attributes; they're abstract and inexact. That we have none of these unless they're self applied is occasion for great celebration; not depression. But, I suppose, this is one of those fantastic aspects of being a self-aware, intelligent creature: That we know and must wrestle with the nature of our existence. We're a product of life that
needs no purpose to exist and has no value
except that which we give it.
These explanations (of which it seems you and I think somewhat similarly) may feel sobering, depressing and somber realizations. But this is - I think - egotistical to look at it this way. Reason: Because who said we ever had any objective worth anyway? It is our lot to
give value and
find meaning on our own. We are well within our rights to realize these brutal truths and wallow in emotional pain and mental pity; but why? To what end?
Respectfully; it sounds like its time to stop lamenting the loss of that which was never there and begin defining your own worth, purpose and meaning.
Good luck - thanks for the thread