Fictional worlds are fun because it is whatever you want it to be. I think the
Lord of the Flies was very interesting. I know it only has a Cheif and an Assembly; i've been told its an allegory that is pretty well built (I don't like allegories as they are easy to over or under interpret.), and its shows of the characters falling into chaos and disorder, pretty insightful. In my opinion, humans are both good and evil, and it depends upon which impulse they choose to go with. The
Red Mars, Blue Mars, and Green Mars books were interesting with its demarchist society idea. That society wouldn't function because the lottocracy idea was pretty faulty with Athenians, so the probability of it working is low. Finally, with history, the Icelandic Free State, or Commonwealth, was a chapter of history that is less written about than most, but its free market government was very interesting. Does anyone know any good books on it? I would like to read more about it.