Fido;173774 wrote:If i were you recon, I would be aware of the words you use in regard to your wife... My wife hates... Drives her crazy... Before my wife left me she gave me plenty of signs about the things I did which drove her nuts, which is not to say it was not mutual..And she did so for years.. But two is a pretty nice number when it comes to people... And you may not want to be sitting around some day in an empty house asking: why'ed she leave me??? Think about it...
Numbers have a specific function, and that is the conception/abstraction of physical reality... Number is a true concept...Yet, we live in the moral world, and I may add, that is where we love...
Ah but I'm exaggerating! The little lady loves me. We are quite happy. But I take your point. I'm pretty damned brilliant at making her happy. Now what would really piss her off is cessation of complements and tenderness. I'm glad to say I'm not all brain no heart. Watch my blog videos and tell me if you don't see a clown. The ladies love to laugh?
Poetry was my first love. I have not forgot the word and more importantly the passion from which beauty is perceived and poetry is made. More than the sculpture of pure concept I love women, and especially mine.
Yes, we live in the moral world. Number is just a piece of jewelry. But it's free. It's an enrichment. I don't know if you have looked at the number e or calculus, but there's a rich beauty there. It's flux represented in stasis. Strange stuff.
---------- Post added 06-07-2010 at 04:31 AM ----------
xris;174130 wrote:Sorry Fido but I don't understand why you expressed your views of Recons obsession and his wife's possible reaction?
I know he means well. And since we have had many a conversation it's not as strange as it might seem. Still, I appreciate your kind words in that earlier post.
---------- Post added 06-07-2010 at 04:39 AM ----------
Fido;173875 wrote:. Women are the great intelligence test of life for men... If you can manage a relationship with a woman, the right woman, one who can love you back; then the sky is the limit... What is important is not all this philosophical nonsense... What philosophers almost universally fail at is what even the most common of people often succeed at, and that is relationships... There, in the crapshoot of life a guy gets a chance to scatter his seed on the winds of hope, and without a good women we may as well be sterile...
This is well said. I feel this way myself. I have held my little lady through 14 years and believe me the earlier years were stormy. A good woman is a treasure beyond compare. Yeah, if I were my forum-self in regards to marriage I would be long lost already. Instead, this is a place for the indulgence of those abstractions that men are generally so fond of. I've seen many a man abandoned by his woman. All of my friends have suffered it. It's almost always the woman that leaves, and the man is indeed often clueless, too confident. I was like that in my 20s, but got set straight by the hint of the possibility of losing this treasure. Woke me up. Mathematics is a relatively safe mistress....
---------- Post added 06-07-2010 at 04:41 AM ----------
Fido;173875 wrote:
And it does not matter who you become, and life is becoming, because you are always yourself... You might notice that of children, that they are who they are from the moment of birth, and that, you cannot change...Since life is change, change is the the key to life... We cannot evolve in the course of our lives... We can only adapt, and we should not let anything stand in the way of change essential to our survival and the survival of our kind, and of our genes... We are mobile, fluid, and dynamic... Act like it...Squeeze yourself through the key hole of life and join the party...
I agree with all of this. Beneath my nerdy private interests, you are talking to that a-hole who is considered a life of the party. Of course I can't prove it in this post ....:detective:
---------- Post added 06-07-2010 at 04:45 AM ----------
Fido;173851 wrote:I don't want to divert your thread; but my feeling is that women do not like to settle for something when they can have anything... Not to say that they can have anything, but if they don't need what they are settling for they may just move on... Love is a hundred percent commitment... Dive in, and swim all the way to the bottom... It is love that makes us real, and numbers that give us the stuff of reality... Would you put the stuff of reality before the reality??? Love, which so few can have at any price can by yours for a sacrifice of all you have... Do you have the nads to devote yourself to a piece of eternity??? What would you settle for???
Yes Love is the Key to Life. Hence the capital letters. Now that is something I 100% agree on. Love and Beauty is the point of it all. And maybe Beauty is the by-product of love. I'm lucky to still experience what feels like young love 14 years in. And maybe not having children has helped that. No doubt parenthood is a grand thing. But some just aren't the type. My lady is an artist herself, a musician. We both have learned the necessity of personal space w/o forgetting the greater necessity of tenderness, communication, all the good stuff. 14 years is an education.