HexHammer;153649 wrote:If he stands accused for rapist, serial killing ..etc, I don't think it would be good to let his fate be judged by easily biased people.
then give to the rightful ones. give it to those whom do you think right. the rightful ones, the best their is.
HexHammer;153649 wrote:
Uhmm, didn't you read what I wrote in my former post? This is meaning innocent people has been put to death! And I'm talking about innocent psycotic people.
why they should be put to death if they are "innocents" that means they must be freed, they don't do anything wrong, if they cannot stand the society, there is a rightful place for them.
What i mean here is that instead of wasting another life, let just make it useful, in which he pay his losses by dedicating his life for productivity in which he does not benefit but the others, for the greater well being of all
two wrongs makes another one wrong, losing another life is not the payment for losing life, payment in which no one gains benefit, but only another loss.
what i mean here are those who are proven guilty. if they cannot give any payment to their losses this is where the death penalty must be used.