What is definition? The setting of boundaries. Isn't it a form of power to set boundaries? What is the relationship between reality and power? In this our scientific age, "reality" is a sort of God, so the definition of reality is no small thing. Oh wear is that pure neutral standpoint that could give us an answer as clean as a saint? Nowhere, I surmise. In rush the talking bald monkeys with the universal answer derived no doubt from an idiosyncratic autobiography (memory in the full sense.)
The notion that there is only one reality is already a huge and unproven assumption. The definition of reality as singular rather than plural is already a leap of faith, however reductive its intentions.
Why would we want to reduce reality? So we can use it, own it, claim it. Down, wanton, down!
late 14c., "setting of boundaries," from O.Fr. definicion, from L. definitionem, noun of action from definire (see
define). In logic, meaning "act of stating what something means" is from 1640s; meaning "a statement of the essential nature of something" is from late 14c.; special focus on words developed after c.1550. Meaning "degree of distinctness of the details in a picture" is from 1889.