MMP2506;134309 wrote:I think I see where you are going, but as I see it, the universal mind is outside of any one human, or any one particular entity at all for that matter. Which may or may not be disagreeing with you, as it is also always in every mind.
This is why Aristotle emphasized the difference between passive (matter) and active intellect (Logos), as for life to exist, it must necessarily have both. He would've agreed with you that form must always have matter to exist, but the form transcends any one mind, which to me makes it larger and independent.
It could be we are saying the same thing, I am just curious whether or not you see the Logos as mind-dependent?
Logos is the meeting of the transcendental and the incidental. Or the meeting of number & qualia. I think that number (or nous) is mind dependent, but that the world of experience flows from an unknown and unknowable source. From what I understand, Plato wanted to see the mind's transcendental as the transcendental of the universe. But this is a mistake in my opinion, and a form of superstition. Kant's noumena is the negation of this projection. Hegel argued that man is afraid to see himself as Logos because he is afraid to accept his death.
If the transcendental is in us, then the transcendental is as mortal as the species....and we cannot know w/ certainty anything other than the structure of our own mind. But this structure can only be discovered thru time, by means of a dialectical synthesis that abstracts this structure from its immersion in qualia, or the flux of the experience whose source we cannot claim to know (excepting the mystic, which Hegel is
not, but Plato
seems to be.)
This difference twixt philosophy & mysticism is that philosophy
denies the transcendence of reason. The mystic implies that the Truth is
beyond words. I disagree. I think that the
beauty of truth is beyond words, but not the Truth itself. And this Truth is only perfect truth to the degree that it stays with the
humanly incarnate transcendental.
As soon as we leave the transcendental for the incidental (non human natural reality), certainty is lost & pragmatism Rorty-style is
king. The two perfect philosophies are trancendental "wisdom," and neopragmatism. Truth and truthlessness. I was into pragmatism until the beauty of the transcendental pulled me in......(Kojeve on Hegel is the
best, bro.)