Reconstructo;113490 wrote:Depth-foolosophy? It's what I call a simultaneous obsession with linguistic philosophy, depth psychology, religious myth, and the philosophic tradition.
Thought is made of words. Therefore linguistic philosophy. Depth psychology is a word-picture of the mind. The mind includes what not? Psychology descended from philosophy you say? The word perhaps but not the science. Psychology is theology is philosophy is poetry.
Man lives in a unified body of word. Distinctions are useful but deceptive. I'm voting Holism.
Philosophy is already an abstraction.... Love and knowledge are both moral forms... The point of abstracting the abstraction further is to make it purely conceptual, and the danger is that in doing so it will become illegible...Physics based upon reality, -tangible, sensible reality stands on better theoretical ground dealing only with abstractions than does philosophy because each part, love and knowledge is a moral form having no objective reality associated with it....We are not trying to conceptualize a reality based upon an abstraction, but trying to conceptualize a concept...It just adds to the confusion...
Ditto for depth psychology and religious myth... There is no abstract study of an abstraction...First prove a psyche, and then prove a depth phychology... There is only the general, because the specific cannot be shown...We have neither love nor knowledge...Depth is a concept and so is the psyche...Just talk about the thing...The words are modes of thought, directed thought, and they do not need to be modified...
And; don't expect your universal equivalents to fly...In one sense, all virtues are equals in that they can sort of be exchanged one for another....Sugar and salt are both good after a fashion, but some people would trade salt for sugar, and others would trade sugar for salt.. They are equal by identity, and what gives them value is our sense of need for them... You are correct in your organization, with psychi near theo; as with all concepts, they are inseperable from the spiritual conception of nature, and reality and self...The concept of the scientist is the spirit of the naturalist... As we have grown, our sense of concept has changed, but the spiritual sense of the thing has been a constant...Some of our moral forms are purely spiritual in quality... Do you see what stupidity can result. Each is like a lens, and every abstraction is like setting another lens before the other... So love, and knowledge are both moral abstractions focusing the other on the object of our will, and who needs more confusion than that????
Never forget that these forms are all forms of relationship... We have philosophy in common...Other people have chess, or math, or automobiles...People club around their ideas, and there is a hierarchy of skill and interest in every form... Some people think they are winning the game if they can make the thing inscrutable...Philosophy as we know it is not rocket science...That is classed as physics...It is more essential to life than rocket science, and those people who want to confuse the issues which I do not see as all that confusing so they can be king of the burgers or something are not doing anyone any favors...We have our abstractions to facilitate our thought, and those people who want to stack abstractions belabor thought with abstractions...Ignorance can be easily cured before confusion will respond...Speak and think clearly, and cure yourself of confusion...