Fido;133056 wrote:If concepts are everything, as they must be because everything is a concept, then no single analogy will ever capture the thing in itself...Concepts are what they are, and it is the totality which defines what they are...All defines all...
I agree. This is Hegelian, to my ears. Hegel was an atheist.
Man is God, and Man is Begriff, or an integrated system of concepts. Man is also Zeit, or Time. Time for Man is the Future penetrated the Present by way of the Past.
Man is projected into the Future by means of a numinous concept. He differs from animals because he can, as a system of concepts, penetrate himself conceptually, creating
new concepts. Man, unlike animals, invents/modifies his goals according the past (which is made
only of concepts, and exist
only as a part of what he is, a
system of concepts.)
Actually, Hegel says Man is the empirical existence of the concept. Man is where Time cuts Space. Man is the union of non-spatial Time and the spatial present. Incarnation of the Concept. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was Man, but Man didn't know he was God. He took his own transcendental faculties, unconsciously projected on Nature, for a God.
Kant and Hegel are God Waking Up to Find he is Human.