What Shoenhaur says: That, although concepts are fundamentally different from ideas (based upon the concrete, physical- fido) of perception, they stand in necessary relation to them, without which they would be nothing. This relation therefore constitutes the whole nature and existence of concepts...
He later goes on to explain that we know about cause and effect, and through our devices, mentioning for example, the arch, rope and pulley, cog wheel, and lever that are ideas of perception; but to do with them we must understand them abstractly, that is, as concept...
What you are thinking of is a bit of sympathetic magic, as if a part can control the whole...We know from some of our myths and fairy tales of the power of names to evoke the same...Rumplestilskin is an example... So is the name of God in the Bible...This is nearly universal to the experience of childhood and mankind... How the Hippo got his name is another example; but among the Analects of Confuscius were offered the ideal of benevolence, (jen), The mean, (chung yung), The will of Heaven, (T'ien), Propriety, filial piety, (Li), and for our purpose: The Rectification of Names, cheng ming, or recognizing the nature of things by giving them their right names...
The whole of philosophy could rest upon cheng ming as far as I can tell because until we can name and define our reality we cannot classify it, or offer any judgement upon it, which is knowledge...
Now you must understand that I have read some of words, and the power of word... sweet words of love to levitate the beautiful into my bed were all I said... Once.. You may know that rhymes were Druid curses, and the name Carmon is Latin for song, from which we get our word- charm... The childhood of the soul is not the mentality of a man...I think if you look back far enough you may find some link to some words in the sensual world... Mother and water are two words that go back through Celtic, French, German, Latin, Greek all the way to India...If these were not words we got through our mother's mouths we would not have them...Is there something to momma like a sound the baby makes at the breast??? Does water sound like water... You may as well ask if Gears grind, or does grain grind... There is a sense of sound, and echo of an action in many of our words; but long ago words came to stand for abstractions and were all the better at that for not having a sonic reference... Ideas are primarily visual... Think of numbers compared to things...If we could not count we could not add, nor subtract, nor follow all the functions, and we must see to count..Aristotle says as much in Metaphysics as Schopenhaur suggest in the world as idea..
I will be the last to say that words of love, like Love itself are hard...They could hardly convey tenderness if they were...Justice as a word seems sharp edged by comparison, as is the act made out of it... Our word candy does not convey so well the thought as Bonbons... Goodgoods belong in the mouth of a child....Reason to the Greeks and Romans was a Goddess as well as a goal... We may desire liberty, but as a goal worth working for, fighting for, and dying for, La Liberte' is more suggestive...
Power is the nature of logos...You can see logic in it, but in the Bible all of creation came out of a word, and so the life of Jesus... But to think reality came out of a word is as faulty as thinking concepts are created... Knowledge is the discovery of certain relationships...At the moment we know the first true thing about any part of reality we have our idea of it... Concepts are abstractions... They refflect a sort of moral of spiritual reality that defies measurement or definition... As concepts of meaning rather than being we can give our entire lives to the definition of moral forms, or concepts, if you prefer...They are not created but out of the moral reality we live in...It is a relationdhip, as are all ideas...