I am Immortal.

Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 01:32 am
Scottydamion;135651 wrote:
And you can "reach outside of space or time"? There are ways to test if consciousness resides solely in individual bodies. This would include things like ESP or predictive abilities that go above the noise of random chance. Prayer is another example. Prove one of these and you have proven we are connected beyond direct interaction, making it a case of "spooky action at a distance".

Consciousness does not exist in space and cannot interact with anything outside the body. My consciousness experiences only the sensations of my body and the mental activity of my mind. ESP or prayer tell us nothing about consciousness. Since we cannot observe what is outside of space, we cannot establish any data about consciousness. It has no size or shape, no location, no mass. It is simply the person that looks out through our eyes and listens through our ears, feels our body's weight and contact with other objects, smells with our noses and tastes with our tongues, thinks our thoughts, feels our emotions and desires, dreams our dreams and remembers our memories, all at once. Because our sensory organs occupy our head, we seem to exist inside our head, behind our eyes and between our ears. But their is no sufficient neurological explanation for the end product of our conscious experiences based upon the electro-chemical activities of the brain.

Scottydamion;135651 wrote:
If the universe had a birth, then space-time was born with it. You are somewhat confused however, because space-time is not a property of the "universe" it is a property of objects. Hence, no objects, no space-time. This is why Einstein made the distinction between objects existing in space and objects being spatially extended.

Space-time is a property of the universe. I agree with you that space is a property of objects, or should I say that we both agree with Albert. But objects are all elements of the universe, like trees of the forest. In the big bang, all the energy from which matter would form was just one super-compressed entity of pure energy, under extreme energy density and temperature.

Scottydamion;135651 wrote:
The current model predicts that everything originated from a central area or singularity. However, you are begging the question. If matter/energy has not always existed, then what existed before what is outside of matter/energy? It is just as easy to assume matter/energy has always been around (to conserve the law of the conservation of mass/energy), or that nothing was there before the Big Bang. Intuition breaks down in such discussions, so we are all on level ground.

No. Existence cannot come from non-existence (absolute nothing), therefore logically something must always have existed. But outside space-time, before the big bang, existence could have no properties of space or time. There was no size or shape, no location or number, no beginning or end. There was only existence in the state of pure unmanifest being, a boundless potential to which the universe gives expression in matter and energy distributed across space-time. Neither intuition nor imagination nor logic are obstructed from visiting the far side of the dawn of time.

Scottydamion;135651 wrote:
It makes much more sense to me to claim that certain faculties of consciousness shutdown. That memory shuts down during most of sleep, or at least long-term memory. Dreams do not occur throughout sleep, so what is "consciousness" up to at that time? Why does consciousness require sleep?

Consciousness of course does not require sleep that I know of, however our bodies and senses do require rest due to physical fatigue. Consciousness, as far as I know, does not require sleep, but when the senses and the brain shut down to rest it is stimulated by no experience inputs, and therefore experiences only timeless oblivion until mental or sensory inputs return.

Scottydamion;135651 wrote:
Have you ever dreamed while you were awake? The hallucinogen Salvia is a good example, it causes you to experience things that are solely the product of your imagination. That is why I brought up drugs earlier. You would probably claim drugs alter the experiences, but I would claim they alter consciousness. Study of the affects of drugs on brain synapses would be my reason for saying this, because the brain would be creating an experience, giving no need for the idea of a consciousness outside of space.

In my way of seeing it--and yes I experimented with a number of hallucinogens in my younger days--it is the experiences that are altered. Visual images appear to flow and persistence of vision creates phantom forms where none exist. Imagination becomes highly active. I see the brain as the source of many experiences. Not only do the senses report to the brain, but the imaginative powers of the brain are able to mimic all the senses. All experiences probably either comes through or from the brain to the consciousness. What is consciousness but the ability to experience? That at least is its essence.

Scottydamion;135651 wrote:
Can you elaborate on what consciousness outside of space even means?

By consciousness, I mean the ability to experience. All our experiences impinge upon our consciousness which initiates our response to the stimuli of our experiences. When I say that it is outside of space, I mean that it has no size or shape, no location or number, no properties that are contingent upon space. It is still part of us, part of our bodies in some way that no-one understands, but it just doesn't occupy space, it has no extension, no physical presence. All of our mind is like that, not just our consciousness, but a lot of our mind is associated with the brain. It is difficult to say whether disabling a part of the brain proves that a function is associated only with the brain or shows that the part of the brain disabled is bonded to an equivalent function of mind. It is a question that will abide with us.

Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 01:43 am
@Upward Thrust,
Consciousness cannot conceive of consciousness, but infers its supposed negation. Any word we use for consciousness or being is just a distinction imposed within that which it tries to name. The brain is an object for consciousness, and so is the soul.

Consciousness and matter are both merely objects of consciousness. The transcendental ego is a fantasy. Matter is a fantasy. Independent self-hood is a fantasy. But if objects of consciousness/experience are just that: objects of consciousness, including the concept-object of the wrongfully inferred "subject".....then dualism is something created for practical reasons, as this consciousness is often consciousness of struggle, and has the consistent form of an objective world, even if this dualism cannot be logically grounded. As Wittengstein saw. And Hegel saw.

5.621 The world and life are one.

5.63 I am my world. (The microcosm.)

5.631 There is no such thing as the subject that thinks or entertains
ideas. If I wrote a book called The World as l found it, I should have
to include a report on my body, and should have to say which parts were
subordinate to my will, and which were not, etc., this being a method of
isolating the subject, or rather of showing that in an important sense
there is no subject; for it alone could not be mentioned in that book.--

5.632 The subject does not belong to the world: rather, it is a limit of
the world.

5.633 Where in the world is a metaphysical subject to be found? You will
say that this is exactly like the case of the eye and the visual field.
But really you do not see the eye. And nothing in the visual field
allows you to infer that it is seen by an eye.

5.6331 For the form of the visual field is surely not like this

5.634 This is connected with the fact that no part of our experience is
at the same time a priori. Whatever we see could be other than it is.
Whatever we can describe at all could be other than it is. There is no a
priori order of things.

5.64 Here it can be seen that solipsism, when its implications are
followed out strictly, coincides with pure realism. The self of
solipsism shrinks to a point without extension, and there remains the
reality co-ordinated with it.

5.641 Thus there really is a sense in which philosophy can talk
about the self in a non-psychological way. What brings the self into
philosophy is the fact that 'the world is my world'. The philosophical
self is not the human being, not the human body, or the human soul, with
which psychology deals, but rather the metaphysical subject, the limit
of the world--not a part of it.
The limit of the world is man, whose concepts structure that which is the case...

But this is senseless, as such a statement is the further picturing of that which is the case.....

it/we are the picture that paints itself.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 01:56 pm
Samm;135813 wrote:
Consciousness does not exist in space and cannot interact with anything outside the body. My consciousness experiences only the sensations of my body and the mental activity of my mind. ESP or prayer tell us nothing about consciousness. Since we cannot observe what is outside of space, we cannot establish any data about consciousness. It has no size or shape, no location, no mass. It is simply the person that looks out through our eyes and listens through our ears, feels our body's weight and contact with other objects, smells with our noses and tastes with our tongues, thinks our thoughts, feels our emotions and desires, dreams our dreams and remembers our memories, all at once. Because our sensory organs occupy our head, we seem to exist inside our head, behind our eyes and between our ears. But their is no sufficient neurological explanation for the end product of our conscious experiences based upon the electro-chemical activities of the brain.

Then it would appear we are at an impass. I still think your idea is based on negative evidence, and from my point of view I see no reason to think consciousness is not physical, although it could be. We are surely a long long way from understanding it, but it seems you are holding a sort of dualistic view that I see no foundation for, or at least no way of providing evidence for.

This is my current objection:
What would make your idea falsifiable?
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 02:16 pm
Scottydamion;136033 wrote:
Then it would appear we are at an impass. I still think your idea is based on negative evidence, and from my point of view I see no reason to think consciousness is not physical, although it could be. We are surely a long long way from understanding it, but it seems you are holding a sort of dualistic view that I see no foundation for, or at least no way of providing evidence for.

This is my current objection:
What would make your idea falsifiable?

I think it would be falsifiable by means of locating the seat of consciousness in the brain (or elsewhere) such that consciousness can be fully explained without recourse to a hidden location (e.g., outside of spatial dimensions). Neither of us has much ground to stand on until science can establish the ultimate whereabouts of human consciousness. But I've enjoyed our discussion. Thanks!

Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 02:26 pm
Samm;136045 wrote:
I think it would be falsifiable by means of locating the seat of consciousness in the brain (or elsewhere) such that consciousness can be fully explained without recourse to a hidden location (e.g., outside of spatial dimensions). Neither of us has much ground to stand on until science can establish the ultimate whereabouts of human consciousness. But I've enjoyed our discussion. Thanks!


I have also enjoyed our discussion. It is always nice when two people can share their views without making it personal. My ex-roommate and I would often get very passionate in our discussions but with the understanding it was nothing personal, I greatly enjoy such a form of debate!

0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 07:00 pm
@Upward Thrust,
It is simpler than that. When gun does go off and it does. you transfer to another plane that appears to be similar to the one you left. Then you will be processed for the next life. Part of your consciousness is on this plane all the time and so the transfer is seamless. It will be as if you have a temporary life that always precedes your next life in this dimension. The multiple universes that are found in physics are only seeing the perceptions of an infinite number of life forms.
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 12:39 am
awareness;137352 wrote:
It is simpler than that. When gun does go off and it does. you transfer to another plane that appears to be similar to the one you left. Then you will be processed for the next life. Part of your consciousness is on this plane all the time and so the transfer is seamless. It will be as if you have a temporary life that always precedes your next life in this dimension. The multiple universes that are found in physics are only seeing the perceptions of an infinite number of life forms.

Very nice post I can identify strongly with it, especially in the light of myself having experienced a near death event
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 01:39 am
@Upward Thrust,
That theory (in post #1) is called moronic. In a universe in which the consciousness does not exist, it is incapable of realizing that it does not exist. That which does not exist is incapable of any action or property.

However since the body and the mind clearly exist in two different realms of being, one extended in the three dimensions of space and the other extended only in time, it does not follow that the death of the mortal body is necessarily accompanied by the death of the mind. The mind may continue to exist and even incorporate in another body. We can't know since we have no memories of past lives--all claims to the contrary being quite contentious.

Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 02:20 am
Author Unknown (With Respect)

We gather together in the pure perspective of Soul Consciousness for in the daily and outer activities, there is a certain attraction and a certain focus on family, environment, and other concerns and needs of the mental, emotional, and physical nature. Even in the midst of approaching the outer world from these perspectives, there is always a link, a connecting point. There is always an instantaneous opportunity to connect with that which is the totality of your being, the totality of your consciousness that is the consciousness of

I AM, the consciousness of Oneness. There is never a separation, although from the consciousness perspective there seems to be a focus that draws one away from the center of their being. That is of course why it is so important to meditate, to reflect, and to feel the inner presence, to know the inner presence, and to know the truth of your being.

We have spoken often of the Attributes of the Soul which are real. They are knowable, they are immutable, unchangeable, and eternal aspects of the created presence of the soul. These Attributes are the connecting link; they are the window to understanding and knowing the Oneness of the universe and the Oneness with the Creator.

It is suggested during meditation that the focus, from time to time, be on feeling the essence of the Attributes of the Soul within the context of the inner experience as it is blending with and melding with the entire Oneness of the total experience of existence. It would be a very simple process to discuss and to feel the Attributes by simply acknowledging their presence, acknowledging who you are.

I AM Spirit. I AM the foundational energy that goes forth on waves of Light from the central core of Love. I AM Spirit that is the animating principle of Light that carries forth creation into all aspects of existence. I AM Spirit that is the linking consciousness to the consciousness of Oneness. Spirit flows in and through all of creation. I AM Spirit.

I AM Beauty. I AM the essence of the creative experience that is the qualitative statement of expression of Spirit moving in and through creation. Beauty is my nature. I AM all that is Beauty. I AM the Beauty within every cell, within every atom, within every collection of energy patterns that permeates all of creation.

I AM the Mightiness of creation. I AM the Might of the Creator that is the stabilizing and control component of all existence. I AM the Might of the universe that gives strength and stability to the creative process.

I AM Harmony. I AM the Harmony of the universe where all is in perfect balance, perfect Harmony. And I AM the conditions of Harmony that exist beneath the surface of all relationships within the context of all activities. It is only the externalization of ego, mental and emotional needs that disrupt the Harmony. I AM the absolute Harmony of creation.

I AM Life. I AM the Life Force that is the result of the flow of Love and Light into creation. I AM the Life Energy that sustains the process of evolution of consciousness. I AM the Life Energy that is the substance and the sustenance of all creation.

I AM Truth. I AM the one Truth of all existence. There cannot be two truths. I AM the total embodiment of the Truth of who all souls are for I AM the singular Truth that is the Truth of all creation.

I AM the Intelligence of the Creator manifesting in and through the created experience. I AM the Intelligence of the Creator that brings forth the wisdom and understanding of the entire process of creation. I AM the Intelligence of the universe that is always available as a reference point for the processing of experience and for the coming into the realization of the Truth of one's being.

I AM Image. I AM the reflected Image of the Creator within the soul. I AM the presence of the Creator in its entirety within the soul. The soul is created in the Image and likeness of the Creator. I AM Image.

I AM Reality for within the context of Reality all is known, all is understood, all is complete, all is combined in consciousness as One. The Reality of existence is known through the Intelligence of the universe, through the assembly of all of the Attributes into a composite understanding. I AM the Reality of all that is. Nothing else exists outside of the Reality that I AM.

I AM Opulence, the Opulence of the universe, the fullness and completeness of all that exists is within the context of the Opulence of the universe. There is nothing lacking. There is nothing missing. All that is needed for the soul to evolve in awareness and to remember the connecting link to the Creator is always available. There is never a need that is not met. The Opulence of the universe is magnificent. It is infinite. I AM Opulence.

I AM Light. I AM the Light of the universe. I AM the Light that permeates all creation. I AM the Light that is the inner glow of understanding that rises to the surface of consciousness as a soul awakens to its true nature. I AM the Light that goes out on waves of creative experience that is always available and always exists for the purpose of bringing into the fullness of the creative experience the Reality and Truth of all existence. I AM Light.

I AM Principle. I AM the Operating Principle of the universe and I AM the Principle upon which all creation exists. I stand alone as the singular foundational element that is the capstone of all creative experience. There is always a Principle of operation. There is always a Principle of existence that underlies all created experience. I AM the Principle within the context of the Attributes of the Soul. There is the consciousness of the soul. I AM the totality of Soul Consciousness. I AM the total combination, the total unifying presence of all Attributes within the soul. As the soul evolves into the awareness of who and why it is, the consciousness of the soul blends with and is One with the consciousness of the Creator.

I AM the consciousness of the soul. There is nothing lacking. All that you are is contained within the consciousness of the soul. Know the truth of your being. Reflect often on the Attributes. Understand the inner meaning of the Attributes and apply, with purity of motivation and purity of intent, the Attributes in every aspect of your existence and you will come into the fullness of knowing who and why you are. I AM, the Love, the Light, and the Life of the universe.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Mar, 2010 06:52 am
@Upward Thrust,
Upward Thrust;105454 wrote:
Does anyone have any idea of what this theory is called? I'm not sure, and I'd really love to know.
Uhmm, think in psycology terms it's called ..skitophrenic <something>!
0 Replies

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