If you were a bookie... Polls and bets on the 2004 elections

Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2004 03:39 pm
Sparkling wine from California, you certainly mean, since champaign must come from France :wink:

No, worse.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2004 06:42 pm
In other news, according to some of the bloggers at watchthempolls.info - and this is corroborated by an anticipative trend analysis by the pollcrunchers of polltrend.com - the EC net totals could still tilt an unexpected way if this year's battleground states turn out to be seriously impacted by the widely foreseen deviation in turnout trends, which might well upset some regional balances. For example, if you turn the CW on EC victories upside down as Leon Wiseman did over at PBR, you can see that if Kerry wins both Ohio and Florida, but loses in WA and NJ, and but Bush wins both NC, SC and CC, there's a fair chance of a minimum of 23 extra EC votes going to GWB. On the other hand, if Kerry loses HI (an unexpected possibility according to the AP report linked in by Dales alongside the latest Idaho State University tracking poll fluctuations) and SA, but does better in terms of GOTV among white single gays in the Rust Belt, there could be a deadlock in the EC vote worse even than the much-anticipated 269-269 vote in which the Veep would cast the tie. For the 275-275 vote (in part resulting from the extra votes assigned on the basis of Midwestern approval gap deficits and the Edwards appeal to the "Sex in the City" demographic) would, according to an obscure 1863 election law, prescribe the oldest Texan with a beard in Congress (or, if unavailable, among Texas State representatives) to cast the final vote - and as we all know, he is most likely to be Republican.

nimh < still bored with the elections
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2004 06:45 pm
Uh-oh, I shouldnt have said that ... bad omen - according to this piece, bored voters support Bush over Kerry by a 10% margin.

(No, I'm not making this up - it was in the very next window I opened up to read.)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2004 08:52 pm
Worse still, the "sex in the city" types I know are Bush supporters by and large... why would you think Edwards appeals to them? Self-supporting single successful chicks tend to know a scumbag ambulance chaser when they see one. It's the gold-diggers, that can identify your watch and shoes from 100 feet away, he'd appeal to. :wink:

(When you get bored, just take pot-shots at lawyers... it's as easy as it is fun! Razz )
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2004 09:07 pm
Nah, young single urban women poll overwhelmingly Democrat (dunno how it is in Florida, of course, but nationally, yeah). Only problem is they dont turn out half as much as the married Christian women when election day comes.

So if amidst all the Gus-like nonsense I said in the post above that the SITC vote goes for Edwards, that was actually one sentence, then, that was based on real enough numbers.

Otherwise, of course, every single sentence of the above was a joke.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2004 11:04 pm
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Oct, 2004 11:52 pm

I loved it when Cheney brought up Edward's looks during the convention and then said, "how do you think I got my job?"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 05:12 am
JW...that's very funny
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 05:21 am
I'm still wondering how my cheese thread got dragged into this. It's just innocent cheese, and cheese has no place in politics...oh wait, I may have to rethink that statement.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 06:38 am
Heh, JW - you're better at satire than me, obviously. Good one.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 06:48 am
Funny indeed! Looks like Andy Borowitz gets the credit tho...


Other headlines:

October 20, 2004
Gallup, Zogby in Statistical Dead Heat

October 17, 2004
Kerry Not Notified of Time, Place

September 6, 2004
No Mention At Convention Has Madman Miffed

0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 07:17 am
Soz - got that story in email - didn't occur to me anyone would think I wrote it. Believe me, if I had I'd have never used George Clooney as a comparison - he's a Democrat!! LOL.

Also got a hilarious .wmv "funny" on voting machines in Florida. Anyone who'd like to see it (guaranteed to make you laugh out loud no matter whose side you're on) email me at

Edit to remove email (you can use Walter's link)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 07:32 am
Heh - well, credit to JW for knowing the right people to send him good stuff and post it here, then :-)
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 07:35 am
JustWonders wrote:

Also got a hilarious .wmv "funny" on voting machines in Florida. Anyone who'd like to see it (guaranteed to make you laugh out loud no matter whose side you're on) email me at [email protected].


I don't know yours, but this is my (and my friends) favourite:

0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 07:36 am
cavfancier wrote:
I'm still wondering how my cheese thread got dragged into this. It's just innocent cheese, and cheese has no place in politics...oh wait, I may have to rethink that statement.

Dunno how you coulda overlooked the connection ... Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 11:36 am
Update Bush job approval graphs, midway through the October II cycle:



Another mid-week-43 update of the current three-way Bush vs Kerry vs Nader graphs ... includes the numbers here plus updates of the tracking poll averages and new Time and Newsweek polls (Time with Bush trending up, Newsweek with Kerry trending up):


0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 12:23 pm
Although these statistics are a bit older ...




.... they clearly strengthen the already known tendencies.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 01:13 pm
Heh - so both Kerry supporters and Bush supporters associate Subway with themselves and McDonalds with the other?

McD that bad eh
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 01:45 pm
sozobe wrote:
Funny indeed! Looks like Andy Borowitz gets the credit tho...


Heh ... the guy is funny.

4 October:

Important Step Forward for Fledgling Democracy

As the days tick down until Afghanistan's historic democratic election this Saturday, the fledgling democracy took an important step forward today, receiving its first shipment of negative political ads from the U.S.

The commercials, full of lacerating personal attacks and half-truths about Afghan president Hamid Karzai and his opponents, will begin airing across the country as early as tonight.

In one of the ads, approved by a group calling themselves Brutal Afghan Warlords for Truth, a narrator accuses Mr. Karzai of flip-flopping on the issues, a point vividly dramatized by showing his trademark hat switching from one side of his head to the other.

Hailing the arrival of negative ads in Afghanistan, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said, "If these ads succeed in turning off half the Afghan population from the idea of voting altogether, Afghanistan will be well on its way to becoming a full-fledged democracy."

3 October:


Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry kept President Bush on the defensive today, telling a Pittsburgh audience that Mr. Bush had allowed the long-dormant volcano Mount St. Helens to erupt on his watch, adding that he would "fix Mount St. Helens once and for all" if elected in November.

"When George Bush was elected president, Mount St. Helens was nothing but a trivia question," Mr. Kerry said. "Well, guess what, folks - it's spewing volcanic gases right now and it's only a matter of time before she blows."

Mr. Kerry said that Mr. Bush had refused to keep an eye on the troubling increase in volcanic activity at Mount St. Helens because he was "totally obsessed with Iraq." [..]

In other campaign news, Mr. Bush ridiculed Mr. Kerry's statement that the U.S. must pass "a global test" before using military force, adding, "I have never passed a test in my life and I'm not going to start now."

20 October:

Gallup, Zogby in Statistical Dead Heat

Americans are evenly divided over which presidential election poll they believe, with the Gallup poll and the Zogby poll drawing roughly the same number of likely voters, a new poll of likely voters reveals.

In the poll, taken by the University of Minnesota's Institute for Public Opinion, 48% said they believed the Gallup poll and 47% trusted Zogby, a statistical dead heat, says Dr. Davis Bevins, who supervised the survey for the Institute.

"With just two weeks to go until the election, neither Gallup nor Zogby has broken out," Dr. Bevins says. "It is really too close to call." [..]

Elsewhere, election officials in Florida said that they have encountered a new problem with their electronic voting machines and that the time-code "12:00" will not stop blinking on and off.

20 September:

New Poll Contradicts Hastert's Claims

One day after House Speaker Dennis Hastert told an audience that al-Qaeda terror operatives would rather see John Kerry in the White House than President George W. Bush, a new poll of al-Qaeda terrorists shows the international terror group evenly split between the two candidates.

In a poll of likely al-Qaeda madmen, 48% supported Mr. Kerry, 48% supported Mr. Bush, and 2% favored independent candidate Ralph Nader.

The remaining 2% said they were undecided as to which infidel would most benefit a global jihad.

Rockwell Pritchard, who conducted the survey for the University of Minnesota's Opinion Research Institute, said that contrary to Mr. Hastert's claims, the race for the support of Osama bin Laden's terror network is now "too close to call."

17 October:

Kerry Not Notified of Time, Place

President George W. Bush notched his first debate victory early Sunday morning, winning handily in a fourth presidential debate that was kept secret from his Democratic rival, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass).

The debate, which was held at 2 AM Sunday morning in the basement of the White House and moderated by Fox News personality Bill O'Reilly, was a must-win affair in the eyes of the Bush campaign strategists who planned it.

"We knew that we needed to win at least one debate going into November," said Bush strategist Karl Rove. "Mission accomplished."

While aides to Sen. Kerry complained that the debate did not count since Mr. Kerry was kept totally in the dark about its time and place, Mr. Rove said, "They can spin this any way they want, but a win is a win."

The White House today released a videotape of the president's triumphal fourth debate, showing Mr. Bush gesturing towards an empty podium with Mr. Kerry nowhere in sight.

"Looks like my opponent didn't make it today," a smirking Mr. Bush says on the tape. "I guess he must be back in Massachusetts, busy being a liberal and such."

1 September:


In a phenomenon that occurs every year in the week before Labor Day, national columnists across America file pointless, content-free "filler" columns, enabling the lazy scribes to hit the beach earlier, according to observers who have been following this trend.

The "filler" columns are churned out in a matter of minutes with no loftier goal than meeting a deadline and filling up space -- meaning that columnists will often resort to using the same words or phrase again and again and again and again and again.

And rather than doing any original writing, the slothful columnists will rely on so-called "experts" to supply them with quotes to fill up space, experts say.

"They'll often quote people you've never heard of," says Harold Crimmins, an expert in the field of filler columns. "It's pretty shameless."

The typical "filler" column is often a reprint of a previously published column, but the writer will later plug in one cursory reference to current events, such as the swift boat controversy, to disguise this fact.

And in order to fill up space even faster, Crimmins says, the lazy beach-bound columnist will compose his summer "filler" columns with short paragraphs.

Many of these paragraphs will be as short as one sentence, he says.

"Or shorter," he adds.

There are other telltale signs a reader can look for in order to determine whether a writer has, in fact, filed a so-called "filler" column, according to Crimmins.

One of these is a tendency to repeat information that the reader has already read earlier in the article, with columnists even stooping to using the same quote twice.

"They'll often quote people you've never heard of," Crimmins says.

Another tip-off is if the column ends abruptly.

In other news, Hawaii is now officially a battleground state.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 03:22 pm


Local Kerry campaign is starting to act panicky -- I don't know if it's the nature of the beast (they've been doing this for a very long time and the day of reckoning is nigh) or if it's a bad sign.
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