I notice some of the poll-analysis sites have dropped Zogby Interactive from the polls they integrate into their calculations ... not Zogby's conventional polls, just the Interactive. There's an
article at RealClear Politics discussing their decision to do so.
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel has an article mentioning that both ARG and Zogby Interactive's results appear anomolous, ARG showing a tie, ZI showing a 2.4 (47.9 B/50.3 K) Kerry lead, while the average of 4 other comtemporaneous polls show a 53.2/42.2 Bush lead, the largest lead, 14%, coming from the Sept 21 release (52 B/38 K) from Badger Poll, an In-State only academically-run poll which has a pretty fair track record, the smallest lead being that shown by MSNBC/Mason Dixon's Sept 18 call of 46/44 Bush. Leaving the AI and the ARG in, the average works out to a 49.5/44.2 Bush lead.
Dunno as I think there's really a double digit Bush lead here in Wisconsin yet, but there is probably a solid 7-to-9 point lead any way you look at it, with upward momentum.
I haven't really looked at the other Battleground State polls with an eye to the effect ZI results have on them, but I think I'm gonna. Even with ZI figured in, the averages in the Battlegrounds almost universally favor Bush; he's lost none, picked up several, and closed the gap in almost all the rest, while Kerry has shown no gains to speak of anywhere, and even has lost a little ground in states that were solid Gore in 2000. The announcement today that his campaign is ceasing advertising and pulling or reducing staff in 4 states he'd been fighting for is not a good sign for him.