Zogby shows Kerry moving toward victory!!
That is the only conclusion that can be drawn by the latest Zogby poll.
I have no idea how Timberland, Georgob, and these other people arrive at their silly conclusions about the Zogby poll reults.
In a race where all candidates are considered, the latest Zogby poll shows Bush up by a mere three points. The Zogby poll a week before this showed Bush up by
four points in an all-candidates race!
So Kerry is one point better off now than he was a week or so ago, when the last Zogby poll came out.
All the pundits are proclaiming a virtual Bush victory at hand. Timberland is posting pictures of Kerry as Don Quixote with Edwards as his Sancho Panza. Yet Kerry, despite the press covering him little, (because, you know,
everyone knows Kerry's going down, lol), is actually moving UP in the most respected poll, Zogby.
The election is six weeks away. If Kerry goes up a point a week for the next six weeks, as he is presently doing, he finishes ahead of Bush by three points in the popular vote. And three points advantage in the popular vote will result in the Electoral College agreeing. The divergence between the Electoral College and the popular vote only happens with the popular vote victory is less than 1%.
Here's a news flash, fellows. At the present rate of Kerry "going down", he finishes three points
ahead of Bush by Election Day!!
Am I satisfied with the way the Kerry campaign is going? No. I think he needs more focus, and the press needs to be prodded from the left to actually cover his campaign, and stop paying attention to this network of right wing websites, ("blogs") which is contantly trying to pressure the press to cover everything BUT Kerry's campaign.
But the facts are there, ladies and gentlemen. Even thought this has not been a good few weeks for Kerry, he is moving in the direction of winning by three points over Bush.
For those of you who haven't noticed, the Republicans love to characterize themselves as an unstoppable force, seizing upon every opportunity to proclaim this election virtually over.
Considering this is
after a bad few weeks, the fact that Kerry is moving at a rate that gives him a three point popular vote victory indicates that the real message is quite the opposite.
Instead of being an unstoppable force, I would say the Republicans are in the position of the prizefighter who just hit his opponent flat on the jaw with his hardest punch, and finds to his horror his opponent just smiles back at him, unhurt, and asks, "Is
that all you got?"