Quote:John Kerry
Total Receipts: $148,912,737
Total Spent: $120,406,095
Cash on Hand: $28,506,641
Debts: $7,448,722
Date of last report: May 31, 2004
George Bush
Total Receipts: $215,357,708
Total Spent: $150,289,570
Cash on Hand: $110,261,092
Debts: $322,383
Date of last report: May 31, 2004
So ... looks to me as though, to the beginning of June, Kerry's camp has been spending like Deaniacs. $21,057, 919.00 available (Cash-on-Hand minus Debts) remaining from reported reciepts $148,912,737 versus The Incumbent's $109,938,709 Available, for a somewhat greater than 5-to-1 advantage . Recently reported (too lazy to look up a link ... I'm sure those who care have seen the articles anyway), Kerry just passed the $175,000,000 fundraising mark. Generously tacking that additional nearly $26,100,000 onto Kerry's Available Funds puts his current total at a tad under $47,158,000, for a disadvantage of roughly 2.33-to-1, taking into account neither additional spending and accrued debt nor additional Republican receipts. What this appears to mean is at this point, for every dime Kerry has to spend prior to the Democratic Convention and the automatic kick-in of the Federal Presidential Campaign Spending $75,000,000 Post-Convention Limit, Bush the Younger can match with about a quarter apart from having, due to the later date of the Republican Convention, several more weeks over which to conduct unrestricted spending. While money per se doesn't win elections, undeniably it is a critical factor. Recalling the Dean Campaign's financial meltdown earlier this Spring, I would posit the Kerry Campaign has considerable cause for discomfort, given apparent, even striking, similarities.
Quote:(Kerry's) campaign's travel budget has also vastly increased, enabling it to expand the size of its paid staff and add paid campaign workers in swing states. Cahill said the infusion of money had helped her recruit talent like Terry Edmonds, who directed Bill Clinton's speechwriters at the White House.
There were also smaller expenditures. In May alone, the campaign spent $10,500 for photographers at its events, more than $200,000 to dispense Kerry hats and T-shirts and other promotional material, and at least $6,500 for parking.
Nor to be discounted is what to do about the Home Equity Loan Kerry took out late last year.
Quote:Kerry Has to Decide Soon on Repaying a Big Loan
Published: June 30, 2004
WASHINGTON, June 29 - Among the many strategic decisions facing Senator John Kerry in the coming weeks, one may hit closer to home than others, whether to use campaign contributions to repay the $6.4 million that he lent his campaign or pay it off over time using his own money.
A provision in the new campaign finance law requires Mr. Kerry to pay back the loan shortly after the Democratic convention next month if he plans to use campaign money ...
And then there is
Quote:Bush Camp Cut Back on Spending Last Month
Published: June 19, 2004
WASHINGTON, June 18 - President Bush sharply slowed his campaign spending last month, paying out just $22 million in May as he scaled back his spring television advertising campaign, according to a report filed today with the Federal Election Commission.
Which rather indicates "You ain't seen nothin' yet".
If I were a Kerry supporter, I'd be worried along about now. I'm not a Kerry supporter, and while I remain concerned and vigilant, I sure as hell ain't worried.