Country, city/town, name of know the drill.
Bonus points for describing a bit of interesting history related to something found inside the building. (Hope that doesn't sound too obscure.)
Not South America
Not in the US
Not in Europe
Not in Canada
Not in Australia
Not inspired by the White House
Not: a government building or library. I believe the building is likely owned and operated by the government (I don't know this for an absolute fact, but it's likely true) so in that sense it may be considered a government building, but its function is not to house government as, say, the House of Representatives in the U.S.
Clary's palatial comment was speculation. (Won't count that as a question this time even though Caprice answered it by saying it's more palatial than... ?a government building?) Try to answer questions only. Hints may be asked for at 10 questions.
Not Leinster House
11 questions to go