cicerone imposter wrote:nimh, Did my Eastern Europe tour in August or Septmeber of 1994.
Yes, 1994. A LOT has changed in Berlin since then .... You'd find it hard to recognize a whole bit of the city.
I was there for the first time in '93, and I remember Potsdamer Platz being a grass field, with tents on it of some medieval circus troup, and underneath the underground station had just reopened and featured the original signs from before it got closed, back when the Wall was built. Now innovative skyscrapers and imposing glass buildings with fountains grace what has become one of the busiest intersections in town.
The Reichstag and surroundings we already talked about. Just behind the Reichstag, in the piece of park / random wasteland alongside the river, there used to be the most striking monuments to the Wall: a sequence of Wall panels had each been painted half black with for each of the years the Wall had been there, the number of dead. Is gone now. I wasnt joking about a square mile of building pits - I read somewhere that they calculated it, and it really was something like that.
The fringes of the inner city have changed too. In 93 we 'discovered' the Hackesche Hofe - a series of sombre, 30s-looking courtyards, with a cute cafe somewhere and in the last courtyard a little recently-revived Jewish theatre. Now the Hackesche Hofe are a glitzy, ueber-hip place with high fashion stores, restaurants and latte-places. Well, et cetera.