Could it be Catherine's Palace in St. Petersburgh, Russia?
Not a palace
I'll be back in an hour or so -- it's time for dinner and piano practice.
Just noticed your previous post: not Catherine's Palace, not in St. Petersburg, not in Russia
OMG. Duh. It's the Ceiling at Grand Central Station In New York City.
If I'm correct, would someone else take over please? I'm out for the evening.
Wow, it's a good thing I'm using a laptop so I could turn the picture sideways!
fealola is correct (what tipped you off?): it's the vaulted ceiling of the waiting room at Grand Central Terminal in New York, with its "zodiac map" of the solar system.
I think the right to ask the next question is open to the next taker.
bree, Those square columns should be the giveaway, but who looks at ceilings other than Sestine Chapel?
But wait, I want to hear, as an aside sometime, more about Hellbrunn... I am such a slave to anecdote.
hmmm, margo, interesting. It looks new to me. So that is a
first question, Is it New?
Not New - I'm not sure when it was built - but not this century, or the last one!
There are no asides for when you are concerned. It's my pleasure to present to you the e-add for what is more colloquially considered the anecdotal reference Hellbrunn...............................
Till later,
bree wrote:fealola is correct (what tipped you off?): it's the vaulted ceiling of the waiting room at Grand Central Terminal in New York, with its "zodiac map" of the solar system.
What tipped me off was just that I had been there a few years ago and admired the restoration!. I saw your picture and didn't think about it started googleing cathedrals and palaces with green cielings. Then all of a sudden it was oh jeez... (I think it was the constellations) It really is beautiful. Amazing that it was buried under decades of soot.
Yeah, the internet is great, but sometimes there's no substitute for first-hand personal experience!
Morning, all!
Yes - in France
Not built this century or the last one!
Is it Mont St. Michel? (though the arches look wrong, the garden seems right...)