Yes, it's Quilin, China. On my first trip to China, it included a four hour cruise on the Po River in Quilin, and it's the very first time I ate turtle soup (the only one in our group) during the cruise. When I have seen Chinese brush paintings of China before my trip, I always thought the shape of the mountains were created by the imagination of the artist. After the river cruise, we visited caves that has rocks shaped like city landscapes. I think there was a sign that said it represented New York. ** As for the hotel lobby, I posted it because it's so unusual to see so large a waterfall inside the lobby. This is the inside of the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou (Canton). Queen Elizabeth stayed at this hotel on one of her visits. One of the ladies in our tour group knows the owner of the travel company we used for this trip, and she was given the penthouse suite. She invited about five of us in our group to join her for a room service dinner, and the view from the patio from her room in the evening was spectacular. When the local tour guide provided us with a tour of Guangzhou, she told us she ate dog in the winter months to make her feel "warm." Okay, Clary, go for it!