north wrote:why is GOOD put in the same context as evil
for me being a good person has nothing to do about polar opposites
evil and god are polar opposites , niether are good to my mind , towards Humanity
being good person , is just being good to another Human Being , devoid of any religious connotations
Quote: I also think it would be good (pun intended) for you to actually define what you mean when you say, "being good to another Human Being" means. What exactly constitutes being "good" to another person? Because from what I can tell of the world, that is a very subjective thing and that there seems to be pretty much no objective good thing or good way of interaction between people that is universal. If such an objective goodness does exist, then I have never met any person who is actually a good person. But perhaps you need to clarify if you don't mind what it is you mean.
to encourage another Human Being , and by that encouragement , they see success , and take it , on there own , to further success in their lives
they simply feel better about them selves
Quote: On an additi0nal note, I do not like the use of the word evil because it too is so subjective and usually misused by another personal motivation. From my perspective it is incredibly difficult to actually determine who the evil person is when I hear another call another evil and they must be dealt with. Typically the person calling the other evil, is just as deserving of the title themselves.