@Yogi DMT,
Yogi DMT;114725 wrote: Our choices, without any external influence will be for the betterment of ourselves rather than others.
Why, my friend? Isn't it others we want to be better than? If it weren't for others, there would be no notion of being worse, would there? We would have no choices, we would acclimate to our surroundings and do what came natural.
Yogi DMT;114725 wrote: Our mind feels immediate needs and concerns not those of a bigger picture, everyone around us. Without a doubt, selfishness is a biological survival trait that is embedded in our coding.
Contrary to popular belief, we are not animal. We are human and there is a big difference of which I will not reiterate again. Yet survival was, it can be concluded, a survival trait but we are beyond that now. We are no longer in such "unfamiliar territory" yet there are those who implant fear that does affect the mind that stifles clarity creating confusion and chaos that doesn't even exist in the animal world. They acclimate easily and perfectly with their surroundings or they become extinct. There is complementary action involved in our existence and animal is a part of what we need to survive and we will learn what that is until we need the animal no longer and then we will evolve to..........better. The assumption that we are animal is what is holding us back.
Yogi DMT;114725 wrote: Think about an animal,
When it comes to rationalizing human behavior, I rather not. That's what got us in the fix we are in.
Yogi DMT;114725 wrote:......if you give the animal a piece of meat, will it share it with the other hungry animals? Or will it keep it all for itself. The only difference is we have a certain level of intelligence that brings us to a realization that effects of our selfishness have an effect on others. Whether we decide to be generous or selfishness is a decision but inherently we are evil in the sense of being concerned with the well being of our being not that of others.
And the above statement is why I don't. When we believe the notion we are animal, we justify those animalistic traits we observe in humans and "call" them inherent when in fact they are not. They are instilled and imposed by those who call themselves scholars who think themselves gods. As I said it is reasonable to conclude in our beginning we were more survivalistic in that much was unfamiliar to us and the unknown made us fear that unknown when we ventured beyond our familiar territory. Understandable We would not share for fear of being without. When now we know what we need and no more. To be generous is when one has more than they need and know it. There is a balance that we can conceive: the animal knows of no such balance; we do. That is what true equilibrium is all about. We must understand the true nature of that balance and strive to achieve it or chaos will only get worse. The animal is already there and on it's way out in it's evolution. We aren't even close to eliminating inequity yet and why iniquity will continue as long as we don't at least strive to reach it and adhere to it's universal nature.
Yogi DMT;114725 wrote: So in our own sense we are good within our personal boundries but in a more holistic perception we are evil.
Holistic yes, perhaps; but "wholistic" I think is a better word and in that context we are not that, yet. Fear is that which is the result of observing death and the universe knows no such thing. At least like we assume it to be. If it has utility, it will continue; if not, it won't.
The universe is "wholly holy" or perfect. We are "holey holy", ha! Which means we have a good days and bad days. When we fear we leak out that eternal "holiness" that we are simply because we are not all the universe is, yet some think they are or at least think there is nothing "holier" than themselves or smarter, knowledgeable and so on. They only view from their own personal perspective.
God does not order, God is order and man in his beginning was god but his sentience was "new" and subsequently he got lost in his sense of things. Life is a bit overwhelming even if we have no memory of what was before. A new experience. We aren't bad we just make bad mistakes in our journey to understanding. Like I have said "trial and error", truth or consequences".
In all notions of what life is, death is a part of life; and is the result of misunderstanding and a respite in that life to renew and continue. Evil is misunderstanding resulting in consequences. We think in our "holeyness" because we don't understand all, evil is equal and opposite of what is good? Therefore.........necessary. That's really sad when one seriously thinks about it. So we condone it, rationalize it, excuse it and make laws protecting us from it as if it has a nature of it's own relieving our ignorance and culpability. We created evil, we can eliminate it.
Esoterically speaking evil is nothing more than friction of what was the wisdom of the earth prior to our being here and being here. We are in part a part of the earth; we just don't know how integral our part is........yet. We are wholly/holy just not whole yet. In the degree we are separate we find evil lurking in the heat of that friction. That's the hell of it.